Silent Hill's eighth installment has been titled Downpour. Discussions relating to the game follows!
Developer: Vatra games
Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Release date: Fall 2011
Platforms: X360 & PS3
Genre: Survival horror
E3 2010 debut trailer:
A more recent trailer:
Plot: The main protagonist and player character is Murphy Pendleton, an escaped prisoner. E3's teaser trailer indicates that a little girl, a postal worker, a civilian, and a female police officer will be supporting characters. The game's events take place in the southeastern region of Silent Hill, which has never been explored in previous games in the series, and the plot will not have any connection to previous installments.
The composer for the game shall be Daniel Licht, the same guy behind Dexter's awesome score!
Developer: Vatra games
Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Release date: Fall 2011
Platforms: X360 & PS3
Genre: Survival horror
E3 2010 debut trailer:
A more recent trailer:
Plot: The main protagonist and player character is Murphy Pendleton, an escaped prisoner. E3's teaser trailer indicates that a little girl, a postal worker, a civilian, and a female police officer will be supporting characters. The game's events take place in the southeastern region of Silent Hill, which has never been explored in previous games in the series, and the plot will not have any connection to previous installments.
The composer for the game shall be Daniel Licht, the same guy behind Dexter's awesome score!