Sir Rampage The Third !!!


May i present ... Sir Rampage the Third and his brother :p

More parts for my obsidian builds arrived today :clap:

Been waiting for these guys for some time now...

Finally got them today ! Now i can retire 2 of my RIIE's ...

Also got a 950 To play with :p

Cheers and kind regards everyone :)

P.S. Thank you to the 2 wheeler guru ( he knows who he is )
@ l33t umm 48k odd :)

@ FaH33m .. cheers my bro.. thank you !

@ sudarshan_SMD .. thank you bro.. more pictures incoming tomorrow :)

@ Udit .. thank you my bro... means a lot to me ! :)

@ moksh .. look who is talking....time to update your signature too perhaps ?? :p

@ The Sorcerer .. I thought you were there too bro !! :p I know you were !!! Wasn't that a nice little ride ? Im sorry you didnt get the cake that day bro.. but if its any consolation neither did i. LOL. Edit :- I just remembered that the guru got his cake that day !! lucky guy !! :p

Cheers and kind regards guys !!
congrats sir...amazing stuff..

the board looks killer..

i remember asus had those sick looking brown boards before..

but now..the red and black combination looks awesome...and after seeing the heatsink on this....i can say..

they really know what they are doing.. :)