Smart Phone Advice

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Hi Friends..

Want to go for a smart phone.. confused a bit as there are so many option..
Main criteria..
GPS, great Camera, Document reader/editor (must), e-mails/exchange sync (for office mails), good sound output, needs to be fast (fast processor).. Futuristic (like to keep phone for long.. so a phone which can be used for next 2-3 years)

thinking about the following phones..

Samsung Omnia Pro b7610 (value for money)
Samsung Omnia HD (great phone with great features)
Sony Xperia 10 (love sony)
Sony Satio (again lovely phone from sony)
HTC Hero (dont know much but seems to be a great phone)
Nokia N900 (dont like Nokia much but this phone looks different)
Sony Aino (would have bought it by now.. great looks.. but no document reader.. so no go. Will go for it if 3rd party document editor can work on this phone )

Open for other options too.. Budget aournd 30k..

I would appreciate if some pro's/con's can also be suggested to go ahead with specific phone..
dont go for Satio/Aino.i used the fone for a day & the battery life & software sux.

Omnia HD is gr8 (only if u run cust roms).have used the fone.touchscreen sensitivity is gr8 & so is the AMOLED display.

currently using N900,1 of the best fones that i've used till date.
yes. Aino and Satio are having too many issues with firmware and possibly h/w too.

if you have a budget of 30k, then wait for Snapdragon processor based phones. Right now, only HTC HD2 and Google Nexus One are available and SE Xperia X10 is to be released.

And there is the iPhone 3GS and Nokia X6 which are yet to be released in India. Vodafone seems to be taking steps for release of 3GS.

So, keep your fingers crossed and wait for a month.
I agree .. SE phones are facing a lil bit of issues .. you can wait for snapdragon phones or you can even try for N900 .. which is based on a new software that NOKIA has recently developed .. seems a nice phone to me ..!! but will be a bit more out of your given range .. it will be more than what N97 costed .. but will gradually decrease .. other android phones is also to be looked into .. many options in a month or two .. wait if you can .. :D
is this ur first smartphone? if so then please dont buy a Omnia HD

stay clear of this generation of SE phones,they're barely trying to stay afloat with crazy mobiles.I dont think X10 is released yet.

best bet would be HTC Hero thanks to all the Android fuss.
touzeen said:
is this ur first smartphone? if so then please dont buy a Omnia HD
stay clear of this generation of SE phones,they're barely trying to stay afloat with crazy mobiles.I dont think X10 is released yet.
best bet would be HTC Hero thanks to all the Android fuss.

yes.. this would be my first smart phone.
I do like HTC Hero.. however, any specific reason not suggesting Omnia HD.

Also I would like to use voip application like skype.. would i be able to use it with Hero??
i wudnt recommend a omnia HD to a noob coz they have very high expectations and zero patients coz the omnia hd is kind of a "work in progress" and everyone is concerned about samsung's commitment towards it.but IMO its the best multimedia mobile available.

and for voip on android,u have fring,one of the best apps for voip.

also since u need a mobile for a 2-3 year cycle,android is a very feasible platform to invest in.
After using safari on iPod touch for two days on iPod touch, I would say that having a multi touch capable capacitive display is a must to enjoy web browsing and browse through long list of contacts.
desiibond said:
After using safari on iPod touch for two days on iPod touch, I would say that having a multi touch capable capacitive display is a must to enjoy web browsing and browse through long list of contacts.

i dont agree...multitouch is one of the biggest hyped up technologies in the mobile industry.
just my personal thought
What are the suggestions for Samsung OmniaPro b7610???
Been suggested to go for it before.. but not one in this thread!!
It is because it is the cheapest one from the list??
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