Smokers are stupid?

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manoja2k said:
May be you missed the hidden agenda behind this. It's not about me, but about many of my friends who don't (apparently) see the way they are being treated for being smokers.

I know it's a futile attempt but attempt nevertheless. But if even a single member starts thinking about this even for a second, then I would say it is a successful attempt.

But if one person could avoid making posts like that, it would in turn help the others directly or indirectly.

Losing hope and succumbing to the consequences is one thing, but trying to brandish the impression in public isn't going to help...anyone.
That being my point.
the thing is that smokers are being treated worse than rapists..

(yes there are more rape cases than deaths due to lung cancer)

it is a life style for some's not necessary for everyone to approve it, but discriminating a being for being a smoker is ridiculous imo.

the new GT guidelines state that any discussion or promotion of cigs, liquor n sex related stuff is not welcome in GT anymore.

can understand about sex related stuff which is illegal but i certainly do not like the discrimination of people who smoke and drink.

not talking about chain smokers or alcoholics but there are some who smoke occationally and who really don't care about their lives after 60-65 rightnow.

im not a regular smoker but i certainly do not like the hatred people carry towards smokers....

again..all this is just my opinion, and like the one's who discriminate and hate smokers..i'm too entitled to my opinion.

@mods: clear post in case it is inappropriate.
Keane 16 said:
Pretty controversial article. Interesting read.
You're in uni so hit the library and see whether you can source the actual research report this article is based on.

Keane 16 said:
Hopefully one day i'll quit.
What about the price tag ?

Must be close to $10 a pack for what you like.

dOm1naTOr said:
does quitting improves IQ ? :ohyeah:

The findings suggest that lower IQ individuals are more likely to choose to smoke, rather than that smoking makes people less intelligent, Weiser and his team conclude.

dOm1naTOr said:
maybe the test guys went for a smoke in b/w the IQ test and so lost half of their test time :rofl:
Actually they were not allowed to smoke before doing the test, one wonders if the result might have been different so the researchers defend it by saying...

Recruits aren't allowed to smoke while intelligence tests are administered, the researchers note, so it's possible that withdrawal symptoms might affect smokers' scores. To address this issue, they also looked at IQ scores for men who were non-smokers when they were 18 but started smoking during their military service. These men also scored lower than never-smokers (97 points, on average), "indicating that nicotine withdrawal was probably not the cause of the difference," the researchers say.
madnav said:
im not a regular smoker but i certainly do not like the hatred people carry towards smokers....

Yeah, it is ironic that despite the ridiculous amount of money that has gone into ads and building a good image for cigarettes, smoking has really got a terrible rep.
but tobacco at least gets to be legit, which is much less that you can say about a certain other plant.
I am sure if they did a study with people who eat eggs..and who do not..there would be 'some' type of correlation.

Plus the sample:
To better understand the smoking-IQ relationship, the researchers looked at 20,211 18-year-old men recruited into the Israeli military. The group did not include anyone with major mental health problems, because these individuals are disqualified from military service.

Is totally biased on the basis of race/physical demographics/gender/age/profession. Sampling is not random --- to come to conclusive answers.
have you guys seen the complan Ad... or any milk mix Ad for that matter... ??

"Ek independent research se hamein pata chala ki complan pine waale bancho ki height badhati hai dugni tezi se"

i mean...

i have a better proposal...

start doing a proper research...

keep kids from Rajasthan and toward north in the group of people drinking complan...and put kids from West Bengol and towards east in the group of those who would not drink complan...

the end result would be still kinda similar :no:
BS, IMO.. there is no way to compare, again effects are not permanent(except physical).

One more thing - I have read somewhere that a normal human uses ~10% of his actual brain, So even if total power of my brain is decreased by 5%, what I have to do is to use 13-14% of total brain power. :P , guess what if I were to use more then 20% :tongue:
maybe during smoking, they dont use their brains at that moment. Other use their brains at that time on their work and the more you use, the powerful it become.

So try another test with smokers doing some serious brain exercise/training while smoking, and maybe they could beat the non smokers.
madnav said:
the thing is that smokers are being treated worse than rapists..

(yes there are more rape cases than deaths due to lung cancer)

it is a life style for some's not necessary for everyone to approve it, but discriminating a being for being a smoker is ridiculous imo.

Well, there is a definite reason for that, don't you think? With alcohol consumption, its the drinkers own business if he is ruining his own health. With Smoking it not only effects the health of the smoker, but the innocent bystanders as well, so its other peoples business as well if you smoke. The effect of smoking may manifest on you after 20 years, but the effect of that smoke on a asthma prone bystander may be more immediate and serious. I think people definitely have a right to be judgmental about smoking.
@naveen its West Bengal :P

I guess the hatred against the smokers comes from their carelessness. Most of the smokers do not think smoking in public ( or where there are other persons around e.g. train etc. ) to be bad. :no:

But judging people's IQ based on smoking etc. itself is idiotic.
sabby said:
@naveen its West Bengal :P

I guess the hatred against the smokers comes from their carelessness. Most of the smokers do not think smoking in public ( or where there are other persons around e.g. train etc. ) to be bad. :no:

But judging people's IQ based on smoking etc. itself is idiotic.

well i thought it was changed (like calcutta to Kolkata :P)
pardon my ignorance...just went by the pronunciation :P
Lord Nemesis said:
Well, there is a definite reason for that, don't you think? With alcohol consumption, its the drinkers own business if he is ruining his own health. With Smoking it not only effects the health of the smoker, but the innocent bystanders as well, so its other peoples business as well if you smoke. The effect of smoking may manifest on you after 20 years, but the effect of that smoke on a asthma prone bystander may be more immediate and serious. I think people definitely have a right to be judgmental about smoking.
and to both an all,
i do agree about and stand against those who smoke carelessly without considering the inconvenience they cause to the people nearby. passive smoking is even worse than the active.
this whole time, i was talking about smokers who are courteous enough to smoke at a place which would not make others uncomfortable.
extremely sorry if i was sending an inappropriate vibe so far.
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