Graphic Cards SMPS for a hd4890

Is it just me or are they others who concur that people younger than 20 year olds get an erection when they make rave comments? I know we have all been there and done that but it seems there are some "entities" who just don't understand.

rite said:
IMO GP650 is one of the best deals out there after HX 620 and TX 650.

For 4.5k go for it blindly.

It may be able to take 2 X 4890s as well though I am not too sure.

tosh79 said:
Big Thumbs up for Glacial power 650 Watts Smps, Great Value for Money.

Anuroop said:
+1 for the GP 650.

How old are you guys? Or is posting rave advices at the cost of other people's time and money (especially money) has become a new form of entertainment? If you want to to give rave advices, you are better off wasting time at yahoo discussion boards :).

I don't even understand what rite has even typed. If you're not too sure, why are you telling it to go for blindly?? Are you even aware of what you're typing? Do you people even know there are 2 glacialtech 650 models-AA and A version, its only one of them which is HEC OEM whereas the other one is most likely a POS? Oh please! Spare us "Oh I didn't know that, thanks for informing us" crap post.

If you don't know, why comment? Stop spoiling this forum!! Get a job you people- a real day job!!!

ocizer said:
3.5k max:( can gp 650w handle 2x hd4890

Understand this, when you put 2 cards? it will consume more power and give away more heat. Do you have a big enough case with good fans to accomodate 2 gpus, let alone the psu? What's your screen resolution? Why do you need crossfire? Futureproof? There's no such thing. There were many people before who even fantasised to use 2 cards on a cheap power supply. It doesn't work that way. If your intention is just to play, just buy a good enough psu and a single card. By the time the card outlasts its usefulness, sell it and get another good enough single card.
Fixed, no GTs plz.

Gowt1ham said:
Tagan BZ 500W

CM RP 500

VX 550

HX 620

TX 750

All in ascending order of price. Nope processor wont bottleneck till 60FPS in games like GTA4 which is max even with i7
^Quality wise yes, but then i really dont feel that the Rs1.2k paid more for the corsair is really not worth it, specially when a person is on a budget.

Also, while installing the VX550, i felt that the 4/8 pin mobo connector was a bit short and a very tight fit on a HAF922. Dunno what will happen on a full tower.
rajan1311 said:
Also, while installing the VX550, i felt that the 4/8 pin mobo connector was a bit short and a very tight fit on a HAF922. Dunno what will happen on a full tower.

You mean the cable length was short? The 8pin CPU power cable of my VX450 fits perfectly in my HAF922

I'm quite sure the one on VX550 is long enough, may be you're not doing it right.
rajan1311 said:
Also, while installing the VX550, i felt that the 4/8 pin mobo connector was a bit short and a very tight fit on a HAF922. Dunno what will happen on a full tower.

ya, VX 450 cables are short too. Even my RP 460w cables are short for a full tower with bottom mounted PSu(like RAven which has vertical orientation).
Anyone has gpt FSp 500w?? A short review would be gr8:clap:
m0h1t said:
You mean the cable length was short? The 8pin CPU power cable of my VX450 fits perfectly in my HAF922
I'm quite sure the one on VX550 is long enough, may be you're not doing it right.

Ya maybe you are correct, ill post the pics some day, i had only around an inch to spare....
rajan1311 said:
I find it funny, ppl with enough cash for 2 4890s can spend more on PSUs.

:rofl:dude did i say that i would buy 2 hd 4890's in a single buy:rofl:

The Sorcerer said:
How old are you guys? Or is posting rave advices at the cost of other people's time and money (especially money) has become a new form of entertainment? If you want to to give rave advices, you are better off wasting time at yahoo discussion boards :).
I don't even understand what rite has even typed. If you're not too sure, why are you telling it to go for blindly?? Are you even aware of what you're typing? Do you people even know there are 2 glacialtech 650 models-AA and A version, its only one of them which is HEC OEM whereas the other one is most likely a POS? Oh please! Spare us "Oh I didn't know that, thanks for informing us" crap post.
If you don't know, why comment? Stop spoiling this forum!! Get a job you people- a real day job!!!
Understand this, when you put 2 cards? it will consume more power and give away more heat. Do you have a big enough case with good fans to accomodate 2 gpus, let alone the psu? What's your screen resolution? Why do you need crossfire? Futureproof? There's no such thing. There were many people before who even fantasised to use 2 cards on a cheap power supply. It doesn't work that way. If your intention is just to play, just buy a good enough psu and a single card. By the time the card outlasts its usefulness, sell it and get another good enough single card.

+1 :hap2:
ill go for a single card only
but in future what if i dont wanna sell that card
so thought of cross firing it
4890 though a gr8 card, is soon gonna be EOL. After fermi launch, ATI would be making only HD 5xxx cards, and 5xxx would be lot cheaper too.

It isnt a good idea to plan CF on a relatively older model card, especially when newer series have already launched. By that time, maybe 5850 will be just over 10k...

Also in such situation selling off current card, for a HD 5xxx wud be better idea, and even a 450~500W good PSU is more than enuf to handle the most powerful 5xxx single gpu card.
rajan1311 said:
Then y did you ask that question ??
Please refrain from asking such questions...

yar it means that in future if i have to buy an other 4890 will it be able to handle both the gpu's or not
if not now i could make money for it in the future

so thought of buyin the psu now itself and card in the future

plz try to understand it