Some people ARE above law in this country.

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I wrote a long answer to your post, but you know what, I don’t know you and I don’t think I should waste anymore time in trying to get you to see that other people can have a view as well without being wrong or right. You have your reasons to support Raga or whoever and I have mine to support whomever I want. You guys can sit and discuss this all day but you fail to realise that others can have their own choices for their own reasons.
^^ Well, That's the problem with people like you. You take sides and assume others take sides like you. Did I or anybody else here say any time that we support Rahul Gandhi over Modi? You just assumed that people must support congress if they are criticizing Modi and you can't stand it. That is your own narrow mindedness. For you, its like anybody who criticizes your side is on the opposite side.

How about considering that there might be people out there who are fed up these corrupt criminals lining up the govt and doing as they please because there are enough idiots in this country who keep voting for only the worst assholes available because they think honesty is a sign of ineptness or because they are bribed off directly or indirectly.

Also, as apparent form your out burst in your first post, you don't like others discussing something which is against your own view point. You are fine if somebody supports your view point, but you cant stand others sitting and discussing something that is against your view point. Otherwise, why do you even have a problem with these threads? You don''t need to view any thread that is not to your liking. So, why even butt in here? That's because you took sides and your ego cannot let somebody criticize your choice.

Also, like you said you claimed to know what categories people that don't support Modi fall into, I also have a view about what categories that people who would support criminals ruling the country fall into.

So spare me the self-righteousness. Let me make it clear that I have absolutely no respect for people who don't respect themselves and try to act like advocates of politicians and trying to defend everything that they do to the people. The govt is the servant of the people and it is necessary for the people to ensure that it stays that way and criticizing the govt when they are not doing a good job is an essential part of it.
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IT Cell Slave spotted.
yes when everything else failed and they don't have any valid argument they resort to "what bout" politics.

few peoples/mostly online their perception is like this image:

In ground reality, this government has stopped broadcasting many data about many things, such as job opportunity, etc which will expose their reality on ground. changed many factors and the way something was calculated to show them in good light, example the way GDP was calculated.

Honestly, now a days when RaGa appear in TV screen i feel happy (funny scene) and expect a funny moment from him. i watch him for entertainment. but the moment modi come in screen, he only cursing others ( a disgusting feeling for me) i change the channel as quickly as possible he spread negativity nothing else.

regardless what others says, my experience after talking to real people across all length and breath of real life, don't look anything in favour of this govt.
  1. Farmers wont vote for BJP.
  2. Businessman wont vote (Except ambani - class businessmen, everyone else is F*cked really hard)
  3. Shopkeepers wont vote for BJP
  4. Salaried class wont vote BJP
  5. Any middle class wont vote BJP
  6. Any labour class wont vote for BJP
  7. Any Govt employees wont vote for BJP (teachers and railways employees in particular).
People who would vote for BJP:
  1. Illiterate (non-educated) class (brainwashed easy due to their lack of knowledge)
  2. Ultra poor class who will caste their vote for a bottle of alcohol, or 500/- ( 500 is a huge money for them and can feed them for a month).
  3. Ultra-rich business class / bureaucrats who was benefited by this govt.
  4. Disciples of Baba Ramdev
  5. Followers of RSS (a fraction of it, not all )

People have to realise there are "real people" out there in real world apart from internet people and paid trolls. they might create 100000 troll account across internet but in reality they have only one vote to count.

It would be interesting to see how much Amith Shah can buy this time.
And Modi is never gonna win any seat in UP this time i can guarantee that.
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And Modi is never gonna win any seat in UP this time i can guarantee that.

Nope, they will still win because it's not just the judiciary they control, but the entire election commission.

And for people who keep defending the system, just look at a modern advanced country with a slight semblance of a protected constitution, judiciary and democracy:
People who would vote for BJP:
  1. Illiterate (non-educated) class (brainwashed easy due to their lack of knowledge)
    [*]Ultra poor class who will caste their vote for a bottle of alcohol, or 500/- ( 500 is a huge money for them and can feed them for a month).
    [*]Ultra-rich business class / bureaucrats who was benefited by this govt.
    [*]Disciples of Baba Ramdev
    [*]Followers of RSS (a fraction of it, not all )

1. People who hate others
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This is an interesting video on the Chinese digital social credit system which is currently running as a pilot program. Dissent against the govt and you will be practically forced on to the streets. You will not be allowed to book train or flight tickets for travel and will not find any rented accommodation and there will be nothing you can do about it. And much like India, there are many supporters for this with their heads struck up their behinds.

This is where we are really headed with Aadhaar too under BJP in step by step manner.

Also, one quote from this video is so apt for how some people in our country behave.

Aadhaar and Pan is required for demat account for buying mutual funds and shares of companies. If you don't give them aadhaar, then while buying anything, your buys will be on hold or cancelled for lack of aadhaar. This was made mandatory a year or two back or so for any amount instead of the previous 5000 amount Manmohan had set. The demat account name should match your aadhaar name too.

I think its for IT guys to snoop on what people buy etc.
This was the case BEFORE the judgement came out.

Since I-T returns and PAN must be linked to the biometric ID, this means a one-to-one correspondence for every investor since PAN is mandatory for all KYC. However, it will not be necessary to link Aadhaar directly to trading accounts, or demat, or mutual fund folios or bank accounts.Indeed, the whole concept of e-KYC will have to revisited.

Any way soon i will find out as i intend to press this point.

I wrote a long answer to your post, but you know what, I don’t know you and I don’t think I should waste anymore time in trying to get you to see that other people can have a view as well without being wrong or right. You have your reasons to support Raga or whoever and I have mine to support whomever I want. You guys can sit and discuss this all day but you fail to realise that others can have their own choices for their own reasons.
Don't give up, they couldn't handle me and in the end surrendered by ignoring me. But i don't ignore them and can slice and dice whatever they say :D

You have a bunch of guys here who have a chronic complaining problem. Incapable of seeing anything positive. Over a period of time the impression is created that we are forever failing at anything we try. We are doomed according to these people. In a more cynical way, this is nothing more than attention seeking.

They can't think, they cannot figure things out, they just whine. Its all emotional reaction.

The kicker is it isn't partisan when the last govt was in charge the same complaining still went on. If you appear knowledgeable then you are either a slave, a bhakt, paid troll etc etc :D

This is what too much social media and not enough reading does to the mind.

I have no problems with dissent but the way its expressed here decreases the signal to noise ratio. The net result is it drives people WHO KNOW MORE from posting.

yes when everything else failed and they don't have any valid argument they resort to "what bout" politics.

few peoples/mostly online their perception is like this image:
because is there a better alternative ?

In ground reality, this government has stopped broadcasting many data about many things, such as job opportunity, etc which will expose their reality on ground. changed many factors and the way something was calculated to show them in good light, example the way GDP was calculated.

Honestly, now a days when RaGa appear in TV screen i feel happy (funny scene) and expect a funny moment from him. i watch him for entertainment. but the moment modi come in screen, he only cursing others ( a disgusting feeling for me) i change the channel as quickly as possible he spread negativity nothing else.

regardless what others says, my experience after talking to real people across all length and breath of real life, don't look anything in favour of this govt.
  1. Farmers wont vote for BJP.
  2. Businessman wont vote (Except ambani - class businessmen, everyone else is F*cked really hard)
  3. Shopkeepers wont vote for BJP
  4. Salaried class wont vote BJP
  5. Any middle class wont vote BJP
  6. Any labour class wont vote for BJP
  7. Any Govt employees wont vote for BJP (teachers and railways employees in particular).
People who would vote for BJP:
  1. Illiterate (non-educated) class (brainwashed easy due to their lack of knowledge)
  2. Ultra poor class who will caste their vote for a bottle of alcohol, or 500/- ( 500 is a huge money for them and can feed them for a month).
  3. Ultra-rich business class / bureaucrats who was benefited by this govt.
  4. Disciples of Baba Ramdev
  5. Followers of RSS (a fraction of it, not all )

People have to realise there are "real people" out there in real world apart from internet people and paid trolls. they might create 100000 troll account across internet but in reality they have only one vote to count.

It would be interesting to see how much Amith Shah can buy this time.
And Modi is never gonna win any seat in UP this time i can guarantee that.

People who vote for BJP ?

Urban, educated and middle class.

In the last election the aspiring class. Lots of young people. Which party will give them the best future.

The problem is urban is only 30-40%. Urban is treated like an ATM by all parties. The politics happens in the country ie rural in the villages etc

If rural isn't doing well then urban gets screwed no matter how good a leader is.

And so voting participation in the cities is lower than in the country. Urban don't think the govt represents them or even cares.

This is an interesting video on the Chinese digital social credit system which is currently running as a pilot program. Dissent against the govt and you will be practically forced on to the streets. You will not be allowed to book train or flight tickets for travel and will not find any rented accommodation and there will be nothing you can do about it. And much like India, there are many supporters for this with their heads struck up their behinds.

This is where we are really headed with Aadhaar too under BJP in step by step manner.

Also, one quote from this video is so apt for how some people in our country behave.

View attachment 76939
Agree, that's the root of my opposition to this scheme. It encourages authoritarianism.

For a lot of people this is too far fetched a scenario to even imagine. How can it possibly happen in India.

Bit by bit. If the tools to oppress are present then they will be used.

This then puts you in the absolutist camp. No aadhar at all. An untenable position unfortunately.

I see the supreme courts ruling as positive in arresting this slide however temporarily
For a lot of people this is too far fetched a scenario to even imagine. How can it possibly happen in India.

Problem is most people are dumber than rocks when it comes to technology. It will look like an impossible task to them but for people with resources (like the govt), it's just a matter of time.
Lets suppose our govt thinks of doing such facial recognition system etc. By the time it is done, the people opposing it will be older by 10-15 years and would have lost some interest. The new kids would have grown up accustomed to the cctv cameras everywhere. Just look around you everywhere and you'll notice at least 4-5 cameras. People already have started ignoring them now. Its just a matter of govt linking all these private and public cameras to one system in the coming years to get what they want.

Already they are telling all internet service and online payment providers to have data retention systems in India only. No taking data outside India. Deadline is today October 15. Slowly and surely they are taking it one step at a time. No one will know anything when the last piece of the puzzle is fit in place.
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Don't give up, they couldn't handle me and in the end surrendered by ignoring me. But i don't ignore them and can slice and dice whatever they say :D

You have a bunch of guys here who have a chronic complaining problem. Incapable of seeing anything positive. Over a period of time the impression is created that we are forever failing at anything we try. We are doomed according to these people. In a more cynical way, this is nothing more than attention seeking.

They can't think, they cannot figure things out, they just whine. Its all emotional reaction.

This is the reason I actually wrote a few posts. The moment these jokers are given a logical post, like the one on Re depreciation, they just go all out and start abusing the person. they are least interested in making sense, only in insulting people. These jokers all wear tin foil hats and sit around a camp fire trying to find more ways to complain the whole day. And I completly agree...if not for Modi, these guys would not no what to do the whole day.

So for all the complainers here answer two questions for me:

1. Why is the RTE law only applicable for schools that are owned the members of the majority religion?
2. Why are only places of worship of the majority religion directly controlled by the state?

If you can answer these questions then you can also understand the angst of the people angainst the Congress and most other regional parties.

And @Lord Nemesis going around calling people rapists and wife beaters just because they have a difference of opinion just shows your class. I can see that you have now edited your answer. This is the issue with you guys. The moment someone has a difference of opinion, then you feel it is appropriate to go on a abusive binge.
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Funny thing is the narrative used to range from anti national to minority appeasement all the way to leave the country if you don't like it. Now someone's decided that all the people who are sick and tired of this ridiculous excuse for a national party are complainers and pessimists and negative.

I wonder though how these three things are only applicable when someone's talking about the bjp/modi? It seems to be perfectly all right when they themselves criticize rahul/congress. hypocrite much?

Also, people need to realize that while simply commenting on an issue may not solve it, it's critical to keep the awareness and dialogue active. Every ruling party wants the people to be silent and sweep issues under the carpet. A handful of powerful and connected people with the right resources were all it took to make the SC realize that the aadhaar issue is to be dealt with. But if the entire populace kept mum about it, this same handful wouldn't even have got their day in court.

So yeah, call people pessimists or negative or whatever you want, we will not be silent.
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Why dont you answer my questions instead of skirting the issue?

And I rather have a nationalist party than a mahathugbandhan of jokers who will make sure that no progress happens for the next five years, if they last for the full term. I read silly replies like Rahul is better because he is an idiot and an idiot is better than someone who is clever and sly....seriously??
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Why dont you answer my questions instead of skirting the issue?

And I rather have a nationalist party than a mahathugbandhan of jokers who will make sure that no progress happens for the next five years, if they last for the full term. I read silly replies like Rahul is better because he is an idiot and an idiot is better than someone who is clever and sly....seriously??

Because these are non-issues.
We feel our currency is more important. We are worried about economy, the crime and the present govt's failure to check the heinous crimes.
Aren't the NPAs going to affect the citizens more than some poor/SC-ST/minority student studying in a majority run schools?
How govt controlling / not controlling any religious establishment is going to affect our influence in neighboring countries?

Raise questions about real issues![DOUBLEPOST=1539593781][/DOUBLEPOST]Or you can ignore all those TE members who don't follow your line of thought.
I gave a pretty long explanation on currency if you care to read. Secondly, you think the NPA's of today were a result of the cronisim of the current government? And crime and henious crimes didnt exist 4 years back, they only started in the present dispensation? Sorry to busrt your bubble on things, but you seem to barely understand basic economics, let alone our current GDP, Inflation, Rupee targets vs. Gold/CAD etc. Please read up on the current state of the economy, current NPA's and their history as well as crimes/henious crimes before commenting.

So stop trying to make up facts and answer my two questions first.

I am not ignoring anything. Simple question. When you buy a new phone or computer do you look for better features and an overall better experience than what you currently have?

In the same way, do you find a better alternative to Modi? If you have a replacement whom you think is better lets discuss that.

And finally on your last statement, its time that people should understand and appreciate others points of view that I am writing today. You cant expect to go on and on and have no reply from anyone.
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And @Lord Nemesis going around calling people rapists and wife beaters just because they have a difference of opinion just shows your class. I can see that you have now edited your answer. This is the issue with you guys. The moment someone has a difference of opinion, then you feel it is appropriate to go on a abusive binge.

I didn't edit any of my posts (except to correct spelling mistakes) and I fully stand by what I said and there is no question of changing any of it it either

Also, Its not a question of difference of opinion and its not abuse either. Its just plain analysis from my own experiences and interactions. There has to be strong reason why some people would bend over backwards to show their support for criminals be it BJP or Congress or any other party. It is when they partially or fully in agreement with their ideology and behavior. Congress has no fanboys trying to defend their every move.It is only BJP that has rabid fanboys and they actively encourage them too.

And it is not at all surprising to me that every BJP supporter I come across would fall into one of the categories that I listed. They may not be rapists or criminals themselves, but the opinions they express like making light of rapes in general by saying its not such a big deal and in particular when some BJP politicians are involved shows their thought process. There are individuals on this very forum that expressed such views making light of child rapes and trying to fault the victims or their family just to justify BJP govt trying to cover up the cases.

I have never met any BJP supporter online or offline that is an exception to such behavior. When somebody decides to associate with and show their support for criminals and justify their every behavior, it gives a perspective on their own mindset.

As for what you think of my class, sure, I am in a different class and refuse to associate with the disgusting lot that go about ass kissing corrupt and criminal politicians. I don't really give a damn what you think of me and I know what to make of your lot.
Stop trying to give any kind of reasoning to your earlier statements. Calling people rapists and wife beaters because they believe in a political idiology is just plain stupid. I can show you 1000's of cases of non BJP supporters who can also be called wife beaters and rapists. Just go to any family court any time of the day. Pick up any leading news paper any day. But I dont put that down to political idiology. I put it down to education, opportunities in life and upbringing.

But you want to prove a point. So you will work at trying to fit the picture into the frame that suits your silly logic. Basically as per you 31% of voters in India are/support wife beating and rape. Bravo. The best part of this is that it is Raga and the Congress which has gone hammer and tongs against Hindus, naming them as more dangerous than terrorist groups, rapists and molestors. So I wonder where you got your idiology from.

Anyway, please do take the time to answer my two questions.

Rape against children should be a capital crime and be tried in a fast track court. Thats it. No two ways about it. Unless people see the punishment metted out swiftly they will not be afraid.

Finally as far as your class is concerned ....well the less I say the better. Someone who has your sense of typecasting can never have a logical conversation.
I am not ignoring anything. Simple question. When you buy a new phone or computer do you look for better features and an overall better experience than what you currently have?

In the same way, do you find a better alternative to Modi? If you have a replacement whom you think is better lets discuss that.

Which is exactly my point. I don't try to replace gutter trash with even worse gutter trash and call that an upgrade. You are justifying replacing corrupt criminals with even worse criminals and you are trying to use lack of choice as the excuse

When you are given choice between eating two different plates of shit, People like me would chose neither and will try wait and find something that is eatable. People like you on the other hand want to justify eating one of those plates of shit and go on about how great that choice is compared to the other plate of shit when all you are eating is still a plate of shit. When there are sufficient number of people with that attitude, those two plates of shit is all the choice that you will continue to have.

I gave a pretty long explanation on currency if you care to read. Secondly, you think the NPA's of today were a result of the cronisim of the current government? And crime and henious crimes didnt exist 4 years back, they only started in the present dispensation? Sorry to busrt your bubble on things, but you seem to barely understand basic economics, let alone our current GDP, Inflation, Rupee targets vs. Gold/CAD etc. Please read up on the current state of the economy, current NPA's and their history as well as crimes/henious crimes before commenting.

Reliance and Adani Group is reponsible for NPA's worth 2.5 lac crore and that's about 30% of the total projected NPA's in the country. That'ts just two companies

1. Why the present govt which you claim to be different than the previous doesn't try to have these loans recovered? What has it done differently?
2. Why do these companies continue to get more loans approved?
3. How did Adani group get a $1 billion loan approved from SBI in 2017 to be invested in Australia on a controversial project no less while they have 1 lac crore+ of unpaid loans.

If any normal company or individual defaults on a loan, they won't get another loan. So, why do just two companies responsible for a fairly big chunk of the NPA's continue to get money and support from govt?
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1. Bankruptcy act has been initiated by this government. Number of companies have been selling of their prized assets to clear bank loans. Sadly you don’t read the news, because as usual it does not suit your story. 2,000 odd companies have paid back upwards of 80,000 crore. This includes sale of reliance assets to repay loans, including from infocomm. BTW, lending in India from 2008-14 was twice that of lending from 1947-2008.....ever wondered why?

2. Please name some companies. And when the loan was sanctioned.

3. Fake news as usual because it supports your story. SBI sanctioned a loan in 2014 which was never disbursed. The other loan from Australia was also revoked later as far as I remember.

As far as your shit anology is concerned I don’t think there is anything more apt for your previous reply. Full of shit.

Now care to answer my questions?

I don’t think you will because basically like raga you have limited knowledge and irrespective of the question you will keep talking about same made up stories. Saying a lie a 1000 times does not make it a truth.
Stop trying to give any kind of reasoning to your earlier statements. Calling people rapists and wife beaters because they believe in a political idiology is just plain stupid.

People of certain mindset will follow a political party whose ideology is compatible with their mindset. And its basic psychology 101 really. There is no scope for you to challenge it.

Your line of argument is the same as arguing that there will be some good people in ISIS who follow them without being in agreement with their ideology and behavior. ISIS is also a political group with its own ideology. What kind of people support or join that group? Will there be any active supporters who do not agree with most of their ideology, but still support them because of other reasons?

So you will see most of the religious fanatics following one of the parties that has a reputation for religious fanaticism. You will see misogynists supports a party who has openly demonstrated such behavior. You will find most of the rape apologists in a party which is filled with rapists and rape apologists.

Why are most of the rape apologists in US associated with the Republican party. Why are the moderate republicans who don't support such behaviors disassociating themselves from the party everyday? People don't associate with groups whose behavior or ideology they are at odds with.

I can show you 1000's of cases of non BJP supporters who can also be called wife beaters and rapists. Just go to any family court any time of the day. Pick up any leading news paper any day. But I dont put that down to political idiology. I put it down to education, opportunities in life and upbringing.

Never claimed there won't be. Only said what BJP supporters will be like. Then, there are also many fanatics who find even BJP to be too mild for their extremist tastes and would chose an even more extremist group to be associated with.

Why would normal honest people even feel the need to act like advocates of politicians if/when they they know most of them to be criminals? There are only two categories, You some them because of their ideology or you support them out

Basically as per you 31% of voters in India are/support wife beating and rape. Bravo. The best part of this is that it is Raga and the Congress which has gone hammer and tongs against Hindus, naming them as more dangerous than terrorist groups, rapists and molestors. So I wonder where you got your idiology from.

Sounds like an underestimated number. It has go to be much higher considering the number of people in this country who keep voting for criminals despite knowing it.

Also, my ideology is my own and comes from my own conscience. I do not associate with or subscribe to any group behavior including religion or patriotism both of which are just mechanisms to brain wash people..God and country are man made concepts to rally people for political purposes.

On the other hand, people like you feel the need to associate themselves to political groups and act like their advocates and apologists. Disgusting lot that you are.
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