I don’t associate myself to any political group. I simply believe that this government has done far more than any other government till date. And i have the facts and figures to prove it, unlike the hogwash that you have been propagating with no facts and no figures. Just sitting on your high horse and behaving like an armchair critic/economist/political analyst with next to no knowledge will get you nowhere.
Sadly for you, you are now sounding more and more like raga and his cronies. RSS/Hindus = ISIS, Hindus = rapists and wife beaters, answering questions with questions because you have no answer and finally changing your arguements every time proof is put in front of you. Can you rebut even one of the answers I have given above. You cant and you know it, so you change track and start your abusive bullshit again.
Why don’t u go back and preach to a more guillable crowd, or has divya ji given you the task of converting the unwashed on TE?
Anyway you can continue with your negativity and bullshit but unlike you i don’t want to waste anymore time on your absolute paucity of knowledge. But I do believe that you should spend some time trying to learn before preaching.
Sadly for you, you are now sounding more and more like raga and his cronies. RSS/Hindus = ISIS, Hindus = rapists and wife beaters, answering questions with questions because you have no answer and finally changing your arguements every time proof is put in front of you. Can you rebut even one of the answers I have given above. You cant and you know it, so you change track and start your abusive bullshit again.
Why don’t u go back and preach to a more guillable crowd, or has divya ji given you the task of converting the unwashed on TE?
Anyway you can continue with your negativity and bullshit but unlike you i don’t want to waste anymore time on your absolute paucity of knowledge. But I do believe that you should spend some time trying to learn before preaching.