Sony Alpha A7 full frame upgrade together with my lens and camera collection

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Morphing from a Geek to a Nerd
Finally upgraded to full frame camera. Was looking for a good compact camera for travelling light. Was thinking of switching to m4/3 or nex range when I decided to try this one out and fell in love.

Sony A7 full frame E mount lens. Can mount almost any lens in the world with adapters.

Pictures below is with a Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 Planar T* 1.4/50 on it with a Contax Yashica to NEX adapter
A7 (1 of 2) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

Sony LA-EA4 adapter to use all my A mount lenses with full autofocus and metering

A7 (2 of 2) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

All my cameras taken with an iphone
Sony A7
Sony A57
Canon A1
Nikon FM10
Toshiba X100
Gopro Hero3 plus loads of lenses
Iphone (1 of 1) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

My precious
50mm collection
From left to right
Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 Planar T* 1.4/50
Helios 44-2 58mm f2.0
Canon FD 50mm f1.4
Minolta MD rokkor 50mm f1.4
Minolta AF 50mm f1.4

Lenses50mm (1 of 1) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr
How is the AF speed and tracking in LA-E4 vs the A57.

Well I haven't noticed any huge delay... Tested with a Minolta 35-70 f4 (sluggish as before same as A57), Minolta 50 f1.4, 16-50 f2.8 Sony (super fast AF, no issues with this lens). Its quite an expensive adapter. I paid 450 SGD almost 21k INR for the adapter so if its slow I would be quite disappointed.

Still cheaper than metabones Canon adapters though those cost like 600 SGD...
Yup I know. But I couldn't find a decent one at a reasonable price when I was searching on ebay.
Try to find an Induster 61 L/D, its not very fast at f2.8 but the rendering is amazing. Rich color and a bit of that vintage look. I got mine off ebay for around 25€ I think. No customs :)
@ronnie_gogs Congrats ! I was real tempted to get an A7, especially it was cheaper in India. But my 5R is just over a year old and I am planning to get the 10-18 UWA instead. :)
Try to find an Induster 61 L/D, its not very fast at f2.8 but the rendering is amazing. Rich color and a bit of that vintage look. I got mine off ebay for around 25€ I think. No customs :)
@ronnie_gogs Congrats ! I was real tempted to get an A7, especially it was cheaper in India. But my 5R is just over a year old and I am planning to get the 10-18 UWA instead. :)

Yeah well currently I have my eyes on good Voigtlander glass and saving for that and maybe a some Leica glass in the future :rolleyes:

Will be going to Hongkong and Korea in a couple of months for work so plan to pick up lenses from there. Samyang glass from Korea and Voigtlander from Hongkong.

My wishlist
40mm Voigtlander 1.4
21mm F1.8
Samyang 85mm f1.4
The f1.8 version of the 21mm is very costly !! Or you mean the f4 one ?
Add the 15mm f/4.5 to your list, its a tiny lens which is very wide and underrated.
Where are you guys finding 15mm non-rangefinder full-frame lenses? I'm looking out for one for my NEXs, the widest I have right now is 17-50 on my DX D7100.
Finally upgraded to full frame camera. Was looking for a good compact camera for travelling light. Was thinking of switching to m4/3 or nex range when I decided to try this one out and fell in love.

Sony A7 full frame E mount lens. Can mount almost any lens in the world with adapters.

Pictures below is with a Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 Planar T* 1.4/50 on it with
7 (2 of 2) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

All my cameras taken with an iphone
Sony A7
Sony A57
Canon A1
Nikon FM10
Toshiba X100
Gopro Hero3 plus loads of lenses
Iphone (1 of 1) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

My precious
50mm collection
From left to right
Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 Planar T* 1.4/50
Helios 44-2 58mm f2.0
Canon FD 50mm f1.4
Minolta MD rokkor 50mm f1.4
Minolta AF 50mm f1.4

Lenses50mm (1 of 1) by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

Nice! I see your 50mm lenses and raise the following:
Pentax A50/1.2
Pentax K50/1.2
Yashinon 55/1.2 M42
Pentax A50/2.8 Macro
Nikon 55/2.8 Macro Ai-S
Nikon 55/3.5 Macro Ai
Nikon 50/1.4D AF
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