Laptops Sony Vaio Temperature too high!!!



I have a Sony Vaio CR35g which i have been using for almost 4 years now.

Recently i have started seeing temperatures reaching 98C on 1 of the cores. I have cleaned the fans inside but it doesnt seem to affect the temperatures.

The laptop automatically switches off when it gets too hot.

Kindly advice.



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Re-TIM the CPU. That's the best bet you can do apart from normal internal cleaning. Plus, I guess the 98° temp is on load ?
My 4 year Dell Studio shows same temps. Cleaning didn't help with the temps much. Now i'm using a Laptop cooler and it seems to do the job. Anything(Like running android Emulator) that keeps the processor usage at 100% for a while(~10 mins) makes it thermally shut down. I use it for HD movies, Sitcoms and web browsing now.

I would suggest you to get a laptop cooler.
There is a lot of bloatware on Sony Vaio laptops which constantly scans and indexes the hard disk. Remove all the bloatware and it will help to keep the temperature down.