and not to forget, where we had discussion how piracy can be helpful too

Mr.J said:Funny thing is content creators have nothing against piracy. Some of the musicians,directors,actors have even said that it's ok to pirate their work as long as people watch/listen to them.
Also SOPA & PIPA are just disguised act where real intention is internet censorship. Ironic, isn't it? It's the same uncle Sam who criticizes great firewall of China.
How SOPA Could Ruin My Life - Forbes
asingh said:We all are speculating the ramifications of such a bill on India. The reason I am not happy about this is cause:
1. Indian ministers are all ready ape-sh$$ about the www; with K.Sibal as the "tip of the spear".
2. Companies like Reliance so easily getting John Doe orders; against sites we hate to talk about, but love to use.
3. People who sign off bills here; really do not understand the net.
4. ISPs love to loop-hole policies, and use the TRAI mandate license as they deem wish.
5. (4) want to milk the cow --- make most out FUP/bandwidth limiting/throttling algorithms which have water tight alibis backed by government policy.
6. The "voice" of users is never heard considering issues like net/telecom. You saw how long it took them to implement solicitation using sms/calls -- and still people can circumvent that.
7. Our government loves controllership.
asingh said:We all are speculating the ramifications of such a bill on India. The reason I am not happy about this is cause:
1. Indian ministers are all ready ape-sh$$ about the www; with K.Sibal as the "tip of the spear".
2. Companies like Reliance so easily getting John Doe orders; against sites we hate to talk about, but love to use.
3. People who sign off bills here; really do not understand the net.
4. ISPs love to loop-hole policies, and use the TRAI mandate license as they deem wish.
5. (4) want to milk the cow --- make most out FUP/bandwidth limiting/throttling algorithms which have water tight alibis backed by government policy.
6. The "voice" of users is never heard considering issues like net/telecom. You saw how long it took them to implement solicitation using sms/calls -- and still people can circumvent that.
7. Our government loves controllership.
johnie1 said:^^ all govts love censorship.Its not just our govt.Control over minds so that they can continue this sham democracy.Its just that ordinary people like us lose out so it is very essential that we get empowered with the technologies which can subvert the system.Companies will always toe the govt line just look at wikileaks versus mastercard/visa/paypal.
ubergeek said:The reason why politicians have a problem with the net, is because of the hate speech circulating about them
in what way Censoring Pirate content will benefit them ? if you are saying that a bill can easily passed by showering the ministers with money why hasn't been done already? and we know ISP's are monitoring the traffic so why havent they started blocking p2p technologies proactively?
and can you gimme an example of an bill which has been passed here just because the US has passed it?
Lord Nemesis said:Every country has its own dirty little secrets that need to be locked away for good no matter how dirty they are, pulling them out into the open can only trigger a third world war.
Lord Nemesis said:The govt may think censoring internet is a good thing and you may think its bad and violation of your rights , but then you may be censoring your kid from watching some TV shows which he/she may think is bad.
Lord Nemesis said:Its not just govt's either, any entity or concept that has to do with control loves censorship. Its just that each has its own limits to how and what they can censor. Ex: Religion - Why was Galileo locked up for his scientific findings. Because that disagreed with the church's own message of the day and could undermine their control. Why do companies like Apple censor their support sites from issues report by customers - because allowing that information can be harmful to their business. Why do we have moderation and censoring on our own forums (from piracy, p0rn, swearing) - It is again a way of control for self protection.
Absolute freedom (of speech) is never a good thing and most often harmful. For example look at what wikileaks (Assange) has been doing. While I don't have a good opinion of him or his intentions, but at the end of the way his intentions are immaterial before the fact that nothing good can ever come out such expression of freedom of speech. Every country has its own dirty little secrets that need to be locked away for good no matter how dirty they are, pulling them out into the open can only trigger a third world war.
So censorship is used by entity who wants control and the outlook on censorship may change from person to person. Even censorship is based on ones perspective. The govt may think censoring internet is a good thing and you may think its bad and violation of your rights , but then you may be censoring your kid from watching some TV shows which he/she may think is bad.
Uh oh. Maybe the U.S. representative who authored the Stop Online Piracy Act should know better than to break the rules his law (if passed) would penalize him for. The intrepid Jamie Lee Curtis Taete ofVice magazine decided to do some sleuthing into Rep. Lamar Smith's website to see if everything was on the up and up with the content he's posted online. And he did, to SOPA haters delight, find some suspect photographs: two stock images from a photographic agency and another landscape photograph by one DJ Schulte.