[Spoilers] Game of Thrones (ASOIAF) thread

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this year pretty much seals up the fact that tv has turned into the premier form of entertainment over film
are they really doing it in ep9? i know that ep9 is typically the "OMGOMGWTFBBQ" episode, but I would assume that for this book, it would be the perfect final scene of the season and let everyone stew for a year :D. Everything else is basically fallout that would make a good s5 ep1
Wdf episode this one was.....I have stopped feeding my affection to characters...
Its really turning out to be gruesome....."All Men Must Due". Totally justified title.
Well someone did warn you what was going to happen in the last episode. Someone warns you in this episode for someone in the next episode too. The producers truly are evil.
Pretty much sure of what else is going to happen with the next episode. The bit with sansa is one of the rare better changes over the books.
Shared by Lena Headey:


Hehe :D
I didn't understand. You mean there was no telecast on sunday?
I was asking about the telecast of ep8 on hbo defined in india.
The previous week's Sunday, not the one that went past by day before yesterday.

I don't keep tabs on HBO in India. They telecast an adulterated version of the show (pun intended).
S04E09 - Most boring episode,i thought some main characters gonna die but disappointment.
Look at all the seasons E09,
S01E09 - Ned Stark
S02E09 - Epic Battle
S03E09 - Red Wedding
S04E09 - mehhh....
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