Steve Jobs thoughts on Google and Android..

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Jobs believed that Google had ripped off the iPhone and even said he would spend his last dying breath and every penny that Apple had in the bank to make it right. “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stole productâ€

Jobs further slammed Google by saying that "outside of Search, Google's products--Android, Google Docs--are shit." He told Iassacson that Apple’s tight control over the iPhone ecosystem stemmed from a desire to “make great products, not crap like Android.â€

Steve Jobs' thoughts on Android, apps - TechSpot News
Well, its a good thing that he is dead now. Lets hope his successor has a rethink on pricing strategy. And also, ensure that india gets 1st class treatment along with the USA for new products too.
Would you just shut the F up if some body gets paid for your work?

Thats what happened.

Android planned to copy BB, but upon release of iphone, they thought it is better to copy that...
Hmm..Where did the New Notification system in iOS5 come from , I wonder ? :o

And what about the new SMSing between iPhone users..seems similar to BB :o
As much as I hate Apple's pricing policies and the fact that it considers India as dumping ground for last gen devices...I agree with the copying part. android has been copying the UI of iOS for a long time. Even in recent ICS version they have copied things from Windows Phone. Android always copies elements of the contemporary innovative/popular UIs. But I would have agreed with Steve wholeheartedly till about last year. But since iOS has also copied elements from android and WP7 in it's 5th version, they don't have as much right to say such things as they had last year. But still his point is valid. And I also agree that outside search, there is not a single product (besides maps) that looks like a finished, quality product (no android does not count). But you cannot blame Google. Their whole revenue model is primarily based on advertising - which is the single biggest disadvantage a company can have. With such a model you HAVE to have presence everywhere so you need to come up with products which cover large ground and you have to come up with products fast even at the cost of quality of products. Apple is polar opposite with the ability to charge a premium price solely on brand value - single biggest competitive advantage a company can enjoy; and that's visible when you check their liquid cash status.
viralbug said:
I wonder when fanboys of any brand will grow up.

Oh wait, they won't.

@ viralbug : RVK2488 posts describes about the business and strategies of Google/Apple .. that makes him a fanboy???
If its criticism about a brand that makes you post such stuff.. then get over it.
vivek.krishnan said:
Well, its a good thing that he is dead now. Lets hope his successor has a rethink on pricing strategy. And also, ensure that india gets 1st class treatment along with the USA for new products too.

how exactly is it a good thing that he is dead?:huh:

why would they change the pricing strategy? its pretty good and competitive in the markets they are targeting.

About india i think apple hasn't fully started to supply to developing countries.heck even europe has problems with avaibility;but yes i think eventually as their supply chain starts to grow i believe they will have more leeway in other developing countries,definitely not india anytime so though.
Sanav3 said:
@ viralbug : RVK2488 posts describes about the business and strategies of Google/Apple .. that makes him a fanboy???
If its criticism about a brand that makes you post such stuff.. then get over it.

Why did you assume it was RVK?

@ ViralBug - Completely agreed.
quixand said:
Why did you assume it was RVK?

@ ViralBug - Completely agreed.
If my assumption is wrong, please clarify who's post are we talking about ?

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Sanav3 said:
@ viralbug : RVK2488 posts describes about the business and strategies of Google/Apple .. that makes him a fanboy???

If its criticism about a brand that makes you post such stuff.. then get over it.

Sanav3 said:
If my assumption is wrong, please clarify who's post are we talking about ?

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk


10 chars.. :rofl:


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Sanav3 said:
Thanks for the facepalms and the will someone bother to explain it in words?

It was most probably a general statement not directed towards any specific post.

Different brands will have different pros and cons but fanboys will nevertheless always find a way to fight by pointing flaws in other brands and shrugging flaws in theirs.
you know what i like about this threads?

the op will make it and wont bother even commentating or replying on it.he will sit back,have a drink and enjoy while fanboys bicker between them!
Sanav3 said:
Thanks for the facepalms and the will someone bother to explain it in words?

As replied above.. that was a general statement and not directed towards anyone.. hope this helps.. :)
Ok. Whoever may have copied, Its the end users who enjoy. Hence we as end users should not be complaining?

iOS was accepted by many people bcause it was simple, Android took the cue and implemented in their product, just so that pple buy their product for its likeness. U can't call that copy.

Phones becoming smartphones by copying contents of Laptops & PC. Like English a distinctive language of Brits is now copied by all, bcause different pple feel comfy.

Distinctive features stay for sometime, but they bcome better over the future. That's the way of life.

As in Walkman > iPod

If you worry about copycats, then Tablets are copies of Laptops which are a copy of PC.

Ease of use to end customers is the mantra and thats the definition of technology. Just leave the fight to Designers and not the end customers.
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Where would the PC industry be today if Comaq had not "copied" IBM? Progress is simply not possible without copying. Also Apple is making billions of dollars out of their products, and it is not as if they have never copied ideas from elsewhere.
I say we should have one bank, one table, one car and one phone OS. To hell with options, they just mess up our minds. Unless its not original, its a stole product. :ohyeah:
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