Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal
We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.
RVK2488 said:And I also agree that outside search, there is not a single product (besides maps) that looks like a finished, quality product (no android does not count).
whatsinaname said:They did not show the first full touchscreen phone, so was that copied?
Lord Nemesis said:What do you mean by full touch screen phone? If you mean one where the phone is predominantly comprises of a touch screen and the entire phone can be operated via the screen, then my 2004 model P910i with the keypad detached fits the bill perfectly. This was not the first touchscreen phone of that type either. There were others before it. Not only that, all most all recent mobile operating systems including iOS have features inspired from Symbian. Symbain had its own inspirations too.
No company makes stuff from scratch. It is imperative that people don't reinvent the wheel. Apple is no exception. Its just that some people don't realize it or choose to ignore it.
RVK2488 said:How is Bill Gates related to this topic? :S
whatsinaname said:That the iPhone was not the first touchscreen phone and neither did it have the first app store. So I was asking RVK2488 if he would say Apple copied stuff as well, like he claims Android copied stuff.
RVK2488 said:So my main argument is that android copied things directly from existing rival product to make a competitive product whereas Apple created the product when there was no such established rival product. And in this regard Google is bigger copycat than Apple.
whatsinaname said:So Apple copied directly from other products but that is not as big a deal as other copying from Apple? There are levels of copying based on how much market share the previous products had?