Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter'

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Steve Irwin, the Australian TV presenter known as the "Crocodile Hunter," has died after being stung in a marine accident off Australia's north coast.

Australian media reports say Irwin was diving in waters off Port Douglas, north of Cairns, when the incident happened on Monday morning.

Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time. - Reports: Stingray*kills 'Crocodile Hunter' - Sep 4, 2006
:( damn sad news...... i hope his wife and daughter take it well and the rest of his family.........i feelin depressed...
This guy had some balls alright, at least he died while doing what he loves most... R.I.P Irwin.
OMFFG...this is really sad. Used to see this shows, was a very great personality. Very very sad. RIP.
RiO said:
This guy had some balls alright, at least he died while doing what he loves most... R.I.P Irwin.

agreed he has had 2-3 close calls before but just managed to escaspe without much problems but this time it caught up with him :(
broar94 said:
damn ...

attacked by stingray , nothing could have been done on time :( .

God bless him

a stingray never 'attacks' anyone ,the sting is only for defense
steve must have handled/touched it
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