Stingray kills 'Crocodile Hunter'

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apollyon said:
a stingray never 'attacks' anyone ,the sting is only for defense
steve must have handled/touched it

dude he mostly died of cardiac arrest and there was a punture wound at the left side of his chest, stingray's poison is not that toxic to kill a human, but since it was so close to the heart poor fellow didnt make it :(
very sad news... really shocked.... had seen him at santacruz airport.. was standing just next to me..... i was late in recognising him.. i like him and his shows.. very cool and nice guys...
:cry: :cry:

:'( :'(

Was just watching a MAD photographer on Nat Geo and just came online and Max told me!!:cry:

R.I.P, Irwin Mate!!:bye2:
yaa... loved his shows, loved his antics on the shows too....

it really came as a shocker when xt posted it on FE ...

but man. this has to suck :(

he was such an amazing animal lover !! and really the more you would see his shows, the more you would love the animals and accept them as a part of this world and care for them!

the crocs and the animal world would surely miss , i think, thier greatest care taker !

aElien said:
dude read Stingray kills famed 'Crocodile Hunter' - Yahoo! News
the sting rays spine passed between his rib cage bones.

yeah u read it carefully :) -
"Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous barb on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.

"He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said Stainton, who was on board Irwin's boat at the time."
very very sad news to all nature lovers.

he was really a nice and intuitive presenter
Sad news, i thought it was a hoax.

I read somewhere on the net that there is a raw video footage which shows how he died.
they were making a documentary so obviously they got it on camera...but really sad..he might get a funeral with full state honours ... he really deserves it ... hope someone fills his boots and continues his great work in the future :)
Apollyon said:
a stingray never 'attacks' anyone ,the sting is only for defense
steve must have handled/touched it

aElien said:
dude read Stingray kills famed 'Crocodile Hunter' - Yahoo! News
the sting rays spine passed between his rib cage bones.

Apollyon said:
yeah u read it carefully -
"Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous barb on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.

I was a big fan of Irwin... I loved his shows soo much on NGC. But I always felt that it was such a risky job with snakes, crocodiles...... May his soul rest in peace, because his soul cared so much for the animals!!
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