Story of Sands of Time Trilogy...

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I just started playing "Prince of Persia-The two thrones"....Its an amazing game....I don't know but for some dumb reason I had ignored both the previous games of the trilogy(which i really regret right now).....

The problem is that since this is the last part of the trilogy, the story line is a continuation of the previous titles....I just wanted to know the story of the series....If someone could tell the whole story in brief or could tell me a site from where I could get the story, I 'd appreciate it....
scarezebra said:
I just started playing "Prince of Persia-The two thrones"....Its an amazing game....I don't know but for some dumb reason I had ignored both the previous games of the trilogy(which i really regret right now).....
The problem is that since this is the last part of the trilogy, the story line is a continuation of the previous titles....I just wanted to know the story of the series....If someone could tell the whole story in brief or could tell me a site from where I could get the story, I 'd appreciate it....
2 of the best games in recent years; why spoil the experience when you could just as well play and enjoy both the games.

Also Two Thrones is considered the least impressive of the three, so you'll really be spoiling for yourself one of the greatest story driven game trilogies.
Warrior Within especially had a great rollercoaster of a storyline.
^^Exactly, Sands of time and warrior within are one the best game i really enjoyed playing, don't search for the story online, play it.
oi man,

I'd suggest you stop playing the two thrones right away. Get your hands on the first two of the trilogy. Its better thats way.
The story of the Prince in the Sands of Time trilogy
The Sands of Time​
Passing through India en route to Azad, a dying Vizier convinces King Sharaman of Persia to attack the powerful Maharajah of India with the promise of honor and glory. A lone flaming arrow in the sky would be the signal for King Sharaman and his son, the Prince of Persia, to attack the Maharajah's palace. After the ensuing battle, King Sharaman looted the city and seized an incredible hourglass full of mystical sand known as the sands of time, while the Prince embarked on an adventure of his own, attaining a mysterious dagger that allowed him to control time itself. The Vizier demanded to have the dagger as his reward, but the King refused to take the dagger from his son, who had captured it first.

During the celebrations at Azad, the Vizier, still bitter over the King's refusal, would stop at nothing to achieve possession of the dagger from the Prince. "Inside the hourglass is a marvel no man has ever seen" he said. Tricking the Prince into releasing the Sands of Time and allowing them to spill forth and work unspeakable horrors onto the land. Only the Prince, the Vizier, and Farah, the kidnapped daughter of the Maharajah, remained unchanged due to their possessions; the Prince's dagger, the Vizier's staff, and Farah's medallion.

On a journey of redemption to repair the damage he had caused, the Prince teamed with Farah to return the sands to the hourglass. As his journey continued, the Prince often found himself drawing closer to his companion Farah, eventually forming a romance as they progressed closer to their destination. However, the Prince knew that Farah had every reason to hate him for conquering her people, and from the visions he received, he suspected that Farah planned to steal the dagger from him. Sure enough, after the Prince's paranoia got the better of him, Farah took the dagger as well as the Prince's sword and attempted to return the sands to the hourglass herself. Leaving only her medallion behind with the Prince to protect him.

When the Prince eventually caught up with her, she was in a desperate situation, trying to fend off several sand creatures but eventually fell to her death before the Prince could save her. Mourning the death of Farah, the Prince verbally confronts the weakened Vizier and strikes the Hourglass with the dagger. Reversing the flow of time to the point prior to the battle against the Maharajah, the Prince, still with the dagger in his possession, sets off to find Farah, to warn her of the Vizier's treachery before the sands are released. Finding Farah awake in her room, he shares with her his epic tale, only to be interrupted in the morning by the Vizier.

Admitting his treacherous ways within Farah’s earshot, the Prince slays the Vizier. Placing the dagger safely in Farah’s possession, the Prince leaves her wondering who he is and if the story he told her was actually true.

Because the Prince has manipulated time, he is now being relentlessly chased by a mystical demon called the Dahaka, who is the guardian of the timeline. The Prince decides to search for a way to free himself of his doomed fate. To do this, he searches three different countries: Persia, India and Aresura. Which, as far as the Prince can tell, he only can do by defeating them in war.
Warrior Within
The Prince, in a desperate move, sought council from the wise old man that had raised him. It is with him that the Prince learns of the existence of the The Island of Time - birthplace of the Sands of Time, and governed by the Empress of Time. Thinking only of his survival, the Prince sets sail for the island to prevent the sands from ever being created. His belief is that if the sands are not created then there would be no reason for the Dahaka to chase him. However, many obstacles attempt to prevent the Prince from reaching the island and his goal. First, his ship is attacked by an army led by a mysterious woman in black named Shahdee. During the ensuing combat, she manages to throw him overboard, destroy his ship and kill his entire crew. Luckily, the Prince manages to survive and drifts ashore the island.

Wandering along the massive cliffs, he re-encounters Shahdee, whom he chases deep into the fortress of the island. During his chase, he accidentally follows her into one of the many time portals in the fortress, which connects the present with the past. Continuing his pursuit into the past, he finds Shahdee trying to murder an unknown woman in red named Kaileena. The Prince engages Shahdee once more in battle, kills her, and saves Kaileena. Denied an audience with the Empress of Time to state his case, the Prince is then faced with the task of activating the two island towers, which in time will open the doors to the Empress' throne room. The Prince eventually succeeds in reaching the throne room only to discover that Kaileena is the Empress of Time.

Kaileena, motivated by the Prince, also tries to defy her fate. She has seen her doomed position in the timeline, which is to die at the hands of the Prince. Fulfilling the timeline, the Prince kills Kaileena, not understanding the consequences. Though the Prince believed it was all over, it could hardly be defined as so. For Kaileena's remains became the sands of time. Ironically, the Prince had intended to prevent the sands from ever being created, but now he has simply become the architect of his own destruction by becoming the sands' creator. The Prince, still pursued by the Dahaka, stumbles across a mural which shows the impossible: The tale of the Mask of the Wraith. Using this artifact, the Prince becomes the Sandwraith, and is allowed one last chance to avoid his destiny. In his attempt to ensure that the Sands are never created, the Prince avoids killing Kaileena in the past, planning instead to take her into the present. By doing this, the Sands of Time would not be created in the past, the Maharajah would never find them, and thus the Prince would never open them. However by doing this, the Prince had resigned Kaileena to what was once his fate. Dooming her to the same stalking menace who once chased the Prince. The Prince would then combat the Dahaka, stabbing him through his skull, and sending him to sea below.

Together, the Prince and Kaileena set sail for Babylon, finally at peace. However, during his journey home, he had a vision. The Prince saw his great home in flames, an unknown enemy attacking, and his father's crown fall. He had been warned that his journey would not end well.
The Two Thrones​

The Prince starts this journey staring at his reflection in the medallion, the very medallion that had protected him for seven years. He no longer wanted anymore fighting nor perils, ahead was home and nothing but glorious rest and peace to look forward too with his beautiful companion, Kaileena. Sailing swift and sure to Babylon, his comfortable home was nearly in sight, his newly found freedom allowed him to drop the medallion overboard. But the metaphorical ocean of time was disturbed and the ripple he had created traveled further then even the Prince could foresee...

His sails unfurled in the light wind and the bow of his makeshift boat pitched gracefully over the soft waves that rolled into Babylon's port. Sailing between the massive cliffs that protected his city from the open sea, the stones as old as the world marked the entrance to his home. Babylon and its signature tower appeared before him, but something was wrong. Shock grew to panic when his small vessel was met not by cheers and the embrace of family, but by fire and arrows. The walls of his homeland had seemingly stretched up against him, vicious and foreign. He was not safe, nor was Kaileena beside him.

He came home seeking comfort and found only war, but war with who? Making his way through the palace, he learns that his enemies' leader is none other than the evil Vizier that he thought was long dead. Not realizing that because of his meddling with the timeline, the events of The Sands of Time never happened. The Vizier had never perished at the Prince's hand and he still had his reckless ambitions of immortality. Dagger of Time in hand, the Vizier murdered Kaileena in front of the Prince (who was incapacitated by one of teh Vizier's minions, wielding a daggertail whip embedded in the Prince's arm) and unleashed the Sands of Time once more. The promise of power fulfilled, he stabbed himself, gaining immortality and transforming into a strange new monstrosity. The sands did as they had before, sweeping across the palace and infecting all in their wake. As the terrace began to collapse, the Prince recovered the dagger and started the slow trek back towards the palace.

Unfortunately for the Prince, he too was tainted by the sands, giving rise to a corrupted charred version of himself, the Dark Prince. Along the way, he battles the Vizier's army, all tainted by the sands. Along the way, he learns that while in extreme states of emotion, he will trasform into the Dark Prince, and gain the ability to use the daggertail whip in his arm, and that he can revert to his normal state if he touches water. The Prince also encounters Princess Farah, whose homeland was also destroyed by the Vizier. However, the Prince soon realizes that Farah remembers nothing of their past together and he has to resort to merely claiming to have heard stories of her beauty (and hastily amending with her bravery as well). With his unlikely partner in tow, they both journey to put an end to the madness. However, conflicts increasingly arise between the unforgiving vengeance and ruthless violence of the Dark Prince and the more compassionate Farah.

As they enter the palace however, the Vizier captures Farah and casts the Prince into the palace's well system (now drained and totally dry). After being in the Dark Prince form for an extended period of time, the Prince finds his father's body. Finally, he realizes the truth: he has been childishly running from conflict all this time, instead of dealing with his troubles like a man. Coming to grips with this, the Prince takes up his father's sword, which illuminates in the darkness, and with his realisation of his mistakes, is able to force himself to revert to his usual form, while at the same time conquering the Dark Prince's influence over his mind, and goes to save Farah. After a long fight, the Prince manages to destroy the Vizier with the Dagger of Time. As he goes to recover his father's crown, however, the Prince sees the Dark Prince before him. What follows is a battle in the Prince's mind between himself and the Dark Prince. The fight drags on until Farah urges the Prince to let go of his anger. He leaves, destroying the Dark Prince forever and returning to the waking world. As they look out over Babylon, Farah asks the Prince how he really knew her name; he responds by telling her the story from the very beginning...
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