Monitors Suggest a 22" lcd

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H@cKer said:
arrey just get the viewsonic one which I told you the best u can get in that range even I searched for many moniters like u but some had only vga connection and on other some other features were missing,so better get the viewsonic one it is a really good moniter.

you are rite some have missing dvi:@ or some thing else missing:@ .
i just want to check for the last time if LG w2252v is available or not , else i am getting viewsonic , but viewsonic has the service problem :S .
need to think of that too:(
I had contact Benq for E2200HD and got a reply saying it will 20 day to come in market. I have pasted the copy of that mail below.
From: jagdish patel
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:54 AM
Subject: benq details
Hello sir,
As per your enquiry for E220hd model, this model will take another 20 days to come in the market by the time i am sending you the details of our running models in the market.
20 INCH- G2000WA
22 INCH -T221W
24 INCH -G2400W
For the rates of 20,22,24 you can directly contact our sub distri.
Orders to be placed through sub distributor - SURESH COMPUTERS (LAMINGTON) CONTACT NUM Mr Ajay -9324010479.
You can give him my reference.

Awaitng for reply

Jagdish. j. patel.

I had contacted for Benq for E2200HD & E2400Hd, V2400W and got the below reply. I live in Hyderabd.

Reply 2

E 2200 HD TO BE AVAILABLE BY 29thTH OF THIS MONTHTuesday, 21 October, 2008 9:34 AM
From: "Nilabh Singh" <>Add sender to Contacts To: "Nilabh Singh" <>

There is slight delay in the shipment.Stock would be readily available by 29th.
Relpy 1

RE: E 2200 HD TO BE AVAILABLE BY 25TH OF THIS MONTHFriday, 10 October, 2008 1:47 PM
From: "Nilabh Singh" <>Add sender to Contacts To:
Hi Anooj,

V 2400 W is also full HD.There is no projection for E 2400 HD right now.Thanks for appreciating our product.

Think he meant the stocks for all India.:rofl:
cool1 said:
you are rite some have missing dvi:@ or some thing else missing:@ .
i just want to check for the last time if LG w2252v is available or not , else i am getting viewsonic , but viewsonic has the service problem :S .
need to think of that too:(

well i am using a viewsonic vx2235wm-5 and am realy happy with it,i considered all option at the time including dell,which for me was cheaper* then viewsonic monitors.
adder said:
well i am using a viewsonic vx2235wm-5 and am realy happy with it,i considered all option at the time including dell,which for me was cheaper* then viewsonic monitors.

but do u know how the service of viewsonic is :( ?
WingZero said:
^^sure it does...but wen it comes to pricing and availabiltiy its a NO-NO:(

13.5k official price is a bad price? I guess it must be available for something around 12k in general market. And it was supposed to be available in the market by Dipawali time.
arjun123 said:
13.5k official price is a bad price? I guess it must be available for something around 12k in general market. And it was supposed to be available in the market by Dipawali time.

dude its for 15.5k just chk it out and dude viewsonic is good and its service is improved quite a lot.
H@cKer said:
.. dude viewsonic is good and its service is improved quite a lot.

About Mumbai - Viewsonic - Service, it's on contract basis as all others are, but in Mumbai the contract is only for 12 MONTHS and after completion of 12 MONTHS Viewsonic always takes nearly 60 days to find New SERVICE Partner for Next 12 months.

If you are SO LUCKY & looking for service in those 60 days, than ONLY GOD WILL HELP YOU.

The above fact I come to know from 1 viewsonic dealer.
To settle all your doubts...

Almost all monitors look the same in this price range... Assuming that you are a normal user (games, movies etc) like most of us here.

Dell, Samsung n LG I can vouch for... All of them have excellent color reproduction and look good whether watching movies or playing games.. The LG is a little bright so I have to keep the brightness and contrast @ < 60 when browsing the web or normal desktop usage.. But this is an issue with most of the monitors.

Viewsonic looks and feels plasticky IMO, no offense to anyone. It's looks like a plastic model rather than a working model. And I've heard horrible customer care stories.

AOC I dont have that much info as to comment on it. It's a new entry into India, though well established internationally. That leaves us with the support issues.

Summing it up, find out what you can obtain locally @ the lowest prices and get it. Don't compromise. Get what you really want. Because you are gonna be staring at it throughout the day in the future. :)

PS: Since I'm making a sacrifice by replying to your post and not studying.. you can rep me if you like :P
Im using Viewsonic .. their supprot its pathetic .. one of the worst in india .. their lcd are ok .. nothing gr8

Im also looking forward to Samsung T220 .. samsung has good service in india ..
I know customer care is not that good but viewsonic moniters r real vfm and it doesnt look plastic at all.And sei wat u think shd moniter be made of metal huh???
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