Suggest A Gaming Config for 70k

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^^ Anish--- The Q9550 is almost arnd 15k or so doesn't make any sense. I personally as usual will recommend a Q6600 rather than an E8400 as the price diff is just 1k or lower.

For C2Ds only thing I recommend is an E7200 :P as they usually have the same potential as that of an E8400 and the perf diff is quite less. Almost 80% of the E7200s will do 3.6Ghz for 24X7 at pretty low voltages of arnd 1.25 ( some good steppings do even at 1.2V or slightly below)
i'll be checking out the steppings of e7200 tomorrow , if satisfied i'll pick those up mostly.
Supra said:
^^ Anish--- The Q9550 is almost arnd 15k or so doesn't make any sense. I personally as usual will recommend a Q6600 rather than an E8400 as the price diff is just 1k or lower.

For C2Ds only thing I recommend is an E7200 :P as they usually have the same potential as that of an E8400 and the perf diff is quite less. Almost 80% of the E7200s will do 3.6Ghz for 24X7 at pretty low voltages of arnd 1.25 ( some good steppings do even at 1.2V or slightly below)

Thats sensible, however even a q6600 at 3.5 or so would be pretty good in my opinion.
4870 17k
CORSAIR 620HX 6.7K ......peace of mind
HDD as per you ..........consider here 4K
cabby CM690 4.2K /as of u likes

MONITOR LG22" 13K / what others above have suggested

KEYBOARD depends on you
SPEAKERS ------so u have it alredy..or going to get it .

above config will come under 70K .......considring H.D.D 4K +CM690 +MX518 .....not considered KEYBOARD but u have 0.7K of 70K for it

PSU : want PSU for less than ..........C REAL POWER 550W 5.2K
ANTC EA 650W 5.3K
^^ Looks pretty decent, and if you still have left over cash, 9450/9550 are well worth their price! So do consider them too. Corsair TX750 would also future proof ur rig, if you ever want to go for CF. Again spending money on a PSU is never a overkill!
Need to get him a decent sound card also yaar :( , Its a long overdue for more than 2 years and am not going skip on it now :P. SMD's config has 2Gb ram instead of 4Gb. Will mostly go with e7200 only. Also getting a good 22" LCD might be a problem under 13k. Have to search in the market.
Try getting a samsung T220 Monitor, its expensivve at 16500 , but the looks sure as hell make up for it.

Take a look you will be impressed
^I don't find it good enough to choose it over the Dell 2208WFP which provides better feature compared to the T220. Besides i find it hard to digest spending 16k for a TN panel these days when one can get a 24" with few more 1000s :P.
Saiyan said:
SMD's config has 2Gb ram instead of 4Gb. Will mostly go with e7200 only.

theres 2GB only..........coz 2GB of RAM is OK a gaming rig . also can easly be later upgraded to 4GB;)

n yes if going for E7200 .........then above mine config+4GB RAM will also come under 70K .
OR then E7200+ a good Sound card (will not be under 70K though ........can if PSU is CM 550W REAL POWER OR ANTEC EA 650W ) ..
But honestly 4gb ram is the way to go right now. Crysis can use so much ram in Vista. And I would suggest going in for a not so expensive monitor, as Saiyan is suggesting.
go 4GB if it fits in ur budget........

pririty to get all above compoents first...........

RAM is always to upgrade.....with those falling DDR2 RAM prices .

proccy, GPU ,mobo ,PSU upgrading them will not be will turn as costly opt. for 2GB now......add another 2GB afterwards .
2x2GB Transcend DDR2 800 with Powerchips- period. :P
After all we don't take chances with the kin of evil. :rofl:

Ya DP- please do try for a good E7200.
The difference between that and E8400 at 3.6G and above is not much and i personally prefer the E7200 over the E8400 for OCers.
For the non-OCers or those who smell likely to back out from OCing plans and end up using at stock most of the time, E8400. :P

About quads, we do get higher fps and 3dmks over a dualie at similar clocks maybe but i still am not sure if we need Quads for gaming rigs.
Unless one uses all cores properly, say like a 3Dsmax guy does, me no suggest quad for home rigs.
Most get a Q6600 as it's so inexpensive now but most people use the same rig for downloading etc- so much power wastage using an OCed quad. :(
Maybe when the prices are much lower on the new Quads- i will rethink my personal choice.
Till then it's a low VID E7200/E8400 at 3.6-3.8Ghz 24x7 for me.:ashamed:
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