PC Peripherals Suggest a ' good ' DVD writer

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I really hope you didn't buy the LG GH22NS50. I'm sorry I only came across this thread right now, but I own a couple of LG drives and a Sony DRU 870S (same as an Optiarc 7240S). This particular Sony drive is miles ahead of the LG drives. If you're just going to be copying stuff for temporary use both should be fine, but if you need to burn backups for a Playstation 2 and other stuff which is picky, you really should go for the DRU 870S.
Ohh! Since most of them suggested LG, LG ,LG ! i went blindly with it Not sure about the model number, will have to check it out.
The most commonly available LG oem being sold atm is the LG GH22NS50.

I'm looking to buy a writer for myself as well. Last week none of the shops I visited had any Lite-on models which was my first preference. I did come across some shops selling the ASUS DRW 24b1st which seems to have some great feedback on newegg. compared to the aforementioned lg model. However I'm concerned about ASUS' service here.

In the meantime my old combo will suffice.
@Memento: I saw a Benq 1640 for sale here on this forum second-hand. I'm not sure how long those last, but they're really good drives. That's a nice tip there about the Asus DRW 24B1ST.

@abhaybhegde: Pity about that, but it should be okay unless the hardware reading is picky. In general, if you want to know which optical drive is good try club.myce.com. I bought the Sony DRU 870S on their recommendation (I was unable to find drives rated better), and learned there that the LG GH22NS50 (which I also own and had trouble with) was crap. Until then I was wondering why only one out of 3 backed up games would play well even though the original discs worked.
plextor used to be best dvd writers but they stop making dvd writers.now most of dvd writes r lite-on oem's(even plextor) so better buy lite-on.

currently i have a lg dvd writer.
LOL now its No lg Lg LG!!
LG drives are good and have great build quality enjoy your purchase!

even i just baught a new LG writer.
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