Suggest Defragmentation Tool..

neomustdie said:
got to try puran defrag...

my suggestion is Perfect Disk 7...

have used it time and again.. liked it a lot

"Perfect disk" seems to be a weaker software first it has comptability/ crashing with folder lock or similiar encryption/file folders hiding software.
It is unable to work at the time of boot to defrag MFT, system files to make system fast despite of option of boot time defragmentation.If u leave this function then disktrix ultimatedefrag is the most powerfull+flexible software.
okie.. didnt knew that detaila about it...

although none of the softwares i use has conflicts..

what are u hiding there buddy... secret present for loved ones i guess..;-) joking
Somehow for me, the free space after using Defraggler always decreases!!
Many people on defragglers forum have said that they have issues with defraggler intruding upon the MFT unnecessarily, and that is the reason i had stopped using it long time back, but gave it another shot today but the same results!
I use JKDefrag with JkDefrag GUI, settled on long time ago after doing lots of tests at a time when I was interested in these things so things could have changed. What I like about it is speed and no nonsense approach. No complicated options unless you seek them out, just start and it does its job fast. 'Puran Defragmenter'? Am curious.