Get a Sansa Clip+ rockbox it and it'll beat the crap out of all the players sub 5K(except other rockboxable players). Later on upgrade it w/upto 32gb microSD and any high-mid-end earphones you like. + 1 more thing match the 5 band equalizer to your earphone's frequency response curve and this would give you an almost mind-blowing experience probably the most you can juice out from your earphone(if rated <=12Ω anything above that needs a better amp).
Sansa Clip+ is very sturdy too my 1 year old clip+ has been falling and hitting the ground almost everyday since I got it and still it's going on strong. The battery life is also good it still gives me >12 hrs of playback.
iPod shuffle should not even be considered if you ask me.
Sansa Clip+ is very sturdy too my 1 year old clip+ has been falling and hitting the ground almost everyday since I got it and still it's going on strong. The battery life is also good it still gives me >12 hrs of playback.
iPod shuffle should not even be considered if you ask me.