Suggest me a MP3 player

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Get a Sansa Clip+ rockbox it and it'll beat the crap out of all the players sub 5K(except other rockboxable players). Later on upgrade it w/upto 32gb microSD and any high-mid-end earphones you like. + 1 more thing match the 5 band equalizer to your earphone's frequency response curve and this would give you an almost mind-blowing experience probably the most you can juice out from your earphone(if rated <=12Ω anything above that needs a better amp).

Sansa Clip+ is very sturdy too my 1 year old clip+ has been falling and hitting the ground almost everyday since I got it and still it's going on strong. The battery life is also good it still gives me >12 hrs of playback.

iPod shuffle should not even be considered if you ask me.
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aman.pitbull said:
Get a Sansa Clip+ rockbox it and it'll beat the crap out of all the players sub 5K(except other rockboxable players). Later on upgrade it w/upto 32gb microSD and any high-mid-end earphones you like. + 1 more thing match the 5 band equalizer to your earphone's frequency response curve and this would give you an almost mind-blowing experience probably the most you can juice out from your earphone(if rated <=12Ω anything above that needs a better amp).

Sansa Clip+ is very sturdy too my 1 year old clip+ has been falling and hitting the ground almost everyday since I got it and still it's going on strong. The battery life is also good it still gives me >12 hrs of playback.

iPod shuffle should not even be considered if you ask me.
can anyone explain me all this stuff

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thenvk said:
Ipod has very flat sound, where as the EQ of Cowon/Sansa is really good. Please listen to all of the listed players and make your statements. :)

Even local made/chinese Mp3 players are better than Ipod IMO.
OMG comparing ipods to chinese mp3
why is it so bad
nit_the_techie said:
can anyone explain me all this stuff

Rockbox is a custom firmware for many MP3 players including ipod i guess. It adds more features to your MP3 players, like for example Sansa clip+ can play MP3, FLAC WAV and couple of other formats but after rockboxing it with custom firmware it has more codecs available so wider range of formats are playable and it adds few more equalizer functions and even games to be played on MP3 player, yes my sansa clip+ now has games like sudoko etc on my sansa clip+ tiny screen :P

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OMG comparing ipods to chinese mp3

why is it so bad

Dude no offense meant, but i would really request you that if you do get an opportunity, do listen to the other brand players like Cowon, Sansa etc and you will know what we all are talking about.
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Sansa Clip+ is the best. And a query here, the IPod headphones aren't quite good (I user a sennheiser with my Ipod nano 2G) and the Ipod shuffle currently has the controls on the earphone wires. So, is it still possible to use the thing with a different set of earphones?
Alright Alright, don't u guys fight! I'll be going for the Clip+ , never really liked $h!tpods ;) BUT then again its the iPod Touch which provides a good movie experience on the move. I know I maybe wrong here so please feel free to correct me and lemme know what are other good PMPs other than iPod Touch for movie viewing on the go. Never know, might pick one up :P
^^ Since your primary requirement if for jogging, i would highly recommend sansa clip+. Super light in weight, no need of any special accessories to clip to your shirt/tshirt.

For movie player, yes ipod touch does its work but ask yourself whether you want to spend 10k+ just for watching movies on a portable player. Because in that case you can go for one of those 4.3" / 5 " MP4 players from I myself use one from ainol. I liked its battery life too. I watched 5 episodes of prison break on it each of 350 MB and at the end i still had 25% battery left.
aman.pitbull said:
Get a Sansa Clip+ rockbox it and it'll beat the crap out of all the players sub 5K(except other rockboxable players). Later on upgrade it w/upto 32gb microSD and any high-mid-end earphones you like. + 1 more thing match the 5 band equalizer to your earphone's frequency response curve and this would give you an almost mind-blowing experience probably the most you can juice out from your earphone(if rated <=12Ω anything above that needs a better amp).

I have a rockboxed ipod classic, can you explain the matching the "equalizer to earphone frequency curve" thing you said, I use either klipsch s4 or senn hd202 with my ipod.
Going by your requirements the Clip+ is perfect unless you want a bigger brand name and more chic looks of the iPod shuffle :P .Get the Clip and if possible get a higher capacity player and avoid getting lower capacity + microSD card since the battery takes a good ~2hr hit with the card.
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