Monitors suggest monitor cum tv OR monitor (>= 19") (Rs 8K)

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please suggest a good pc monitor cum tv ; should have HDMI

OR a LED monitor alone - at least 19" - budget Rs 8000

main purpose : regular monitor for laptop at home (~ 10 hours daily)

not sure that we have many choices for monitor cum tv :(

is it better to wait for forth coming festival offers !? often I've seen
that the offers are for high priced products ! (not for my budget ..)

Jakob's suggestion is great, but customers on newegg complain that the DELL ST2220Ls' colours appear washed out. A customer on amazon blames it on his graphics card not having gamma setting. Can't really comment on that.

Based on reviews on the web, I would have suggested Viewsonic 21.5 inch LED - VX2250WM, but it has no HDMI connectivity.
Read reviews and ratings on newegg, amazon, and other tech sites before purchasing. Make sure of the specs too.
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