Suggest some nice RTS games...

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Just finished AOM + AOE3 with all their expansion packs. Any other good RTS game, preferably in a similar style? Finding RON too tough.
sohail99 said:
Red Alert 3

btw DO check out 'World in Conflict' !! it is awesome!!!:ohyeah: :ohyeah:
Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars is a better recommendation. Red Alert 3 looks/feels like it's a cheaper version of the same.
WarCraft 3 !! You can't miss it being a gamer !! Its a classic. One of the best games ever made. :D

The game play and story line is awesome in Warcraft 3, Graphics is nice, you will like it.

In fact most of games made by Blizzard are EPIC !! Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft !

Even check out Diablo 2, You may not like the graphics but, but its a hell of a game. Its a RPG.

Diablo 3 is in the making !!! :clap:

Here check out, Diablo Tops the best game ever made list. Even WarCraft is around in there.

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Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos for PC - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC Game - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Computer Game
nightwing892001 said:
Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars is a better recommendation. Red Alert 3 looks/feels like it's a cheaper version of the same.

lol! i agree!:rofl: just thought it should be mentioned under RTS!
C&C Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3, Rise of Legends, World in Conflict, Company of Heros, War hammer 40k series, Universe at War - Earth Assualt
a_k_s_h_a_y said:
WarCraft 3 !! You can't miss it being a gamer !! Its a classic. One of the best games ever made. :D

The game play and story line is awesome in Warcraft 3, Graphics is nice, you will like it.

In fact most of games made by Blizzard are EPIC !! Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft !

Even check out Diablo 2, You may not like the graphics but, but its a hell of a game. Its a RPG.
Diablo 3 is in the making !!! :clap:

Here check out, Diablo Tops the best game ever made list. Even WarCraft is around in there.

Top PC Games - Best PC Video Games - Best PC Games - Top PC Video Games

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos for PC - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC Game - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Computer Game

anything from blizzard
Supreme Commander + Forged Alliance Expansion - The king of all RTS without a doubt, though u need a powerful rig for this.Extremely hard AI mind you.

Red Alert 3 - Awesome game irrespective of what people say. It offers almost unlimited ways of taking down your opponent and is ultimate fun online.Manageable till Hard AI, Brutal needs alliance.

Warcraft III - It's kinda 'obsolete' now but you must play this if you are an RTS lover. The reign of chaos storyline is amazing, but frozen throne's is not so good. Great fun on lan.
DOW2, atleast I loved the new gameplay. Its a mix of WC3 style of play and DOW 1.. the skirmish should be awesome fun in mutiplayer...

I didnt like WC3 purely because of over reliance on the heroes
sajitsm said:
anybody tried DOW2 yet?

Aces170 said:
DOW2, atleast I loved the new gameplay. Its a mix of WC3 style of play and DOW 1.. the skirmish should be awesome fun in mutiplayer...

Been playing DOW 2 since the last two days and I am loving it. The engine seems to be the same as Company of Heros. The game play dynamics are also closer to COH Than to the previous version of DOW and its expansions. COH engine would have been a natural choice considering DOW too had the capture point concept in its game play.

I thought this game is gonna be resource intensive since its new, but with all settings maxed out including AA at 1680 x 1050, I still get 200~250 FPS.

rite said:
what is DOW2?

Dawn of War 2, its the sequel to Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War
supcom -- just amazing .... i have never seen a 20 X 20 km MAP size in any game. But it requires a powerful processor.
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