All what you have written below apart from the last sentence is just too philosophical and needs to go in the GT section
I have given you the hard facts by searching the top sites like ebay, Amazon, Newegg. V1 are either higher priced or equal. Not even in 1 site I have seen the price being lower than v2.
Secondly, as I asked before, going by your logic do I get such discounts for all Sandy bridge processors??
Thirdly, All reviews in all sites show Xeon to be performing on par with i7 and better at rendering (and thats why Xeon's are expensive)... + they have ECC support and additional features.
I really fail to understand, why u NO Support XEON
and against it even with so many good features
Why u so against XEON my man
...and please do give some good logical answers rather than ' the WE INDIAN's Sh*t'

I have given you the hard facts by searching the top sites like ebay, Amazon, Newegg. V1 are either higher priced or equal. Not even in 1 site I have seen the price being lower than v2.
Secondly, as I asked before, going by your logic do I get such discounts for all Sandy bridge processors??
Thirdly, All reviews in all sites show Xeon to be performing on par with i7 and better at rendering (and thats why Xeon's are expensive)... + they have ECC support and additional features.
I really fail to understand, why u NO Support XEON

Why u so against XEON my man

Sorry @vercetti ... I yam a stubborn 'ol wizened nut & I ain't giving up yet.
I could write my Ph.D Thesis on - "How we Indian's love DISCOUNT'S & one-day 'grab-it-a-lifetime' offers" - This is what clouds our brains and all rational thought processes. We are then ready to abandon all and sundry - buddies, colleagues, family & loved ones - BECAUSE our soul is SOLD to this DISCOUNT.
We forget easily that the fundamental premise of a Discount is applied ONLY to "outdated/phased-out/unsold stocks/inventories" ..... the tech-specs still appeal (although it's only on paper). Would these EVER have a re-sale value ........... (unless another gullible bloke is found, who has'nt done his homework).
It's not too late - try asking your dealer for the same discount on the v2 - and see his reactions!
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