Budget 0-20k Suggestions for a low-power PSU


Looking to buy a decent brand low-power PSU (350W, thereabouts). Most recommendations (PSU tier lists, etc.) I could find online, skip the lower rated models, or are models not available here.

Would appreciate suggestions and/or links to buy online.

Over the years, have accumulated several failed/blown PSUs by cheaping out - not always by choice, since these were almost always desperate buys and the only units I could get locally (in a small suburban town) were cheap generic ones.
350w? What you intend to run?
Btw I have a 230w psu from 2k5yr hcl branded pc of a client and still serving my purpose of dual psus...one for primary hardware and this tiny one for just fans and rgb thing!
350w? What you intend to run?
Low-powered hardware, of course - in this particular case, it will be boards with embedded AMD Fusion/Celeron CPU, low power (1.35V) memory and a HDD (or two). Headless machines meant for specific tasks that I could just SSH into. I believe 350W in itself is overkill, but these may be the only practical option available.
Antec VP450P Plus. It is not the best out there but certainly should do the job on a low powered machine. Available for around 2.5k on amazon.
A casual search shows this being recommended over the Corsair CX models. Good price too. Definitely goes into my short-list.