Suggestions for good anime/manga

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Re: Anime Fans

Watched anime-

Gits sac-1st & 2nd gig

death note

fullmetal alchemist 1&2

get backers

inuyasha halfway

naruto & bleach ongoing.

black cat

samurai x

samurai 7

samurai deeper kyo

and many more.
Re: Anime Fans

thegatekeeper said:
Watched anime-

Gits sac-1st & 2nd gig

death note

fullmetal alchemist 1&2

get backers

inuyasha halfway

naruto & bleach ongoing.

black cat

samurai x

samurai 7

samurai deeper kyo

and many more.

No One Piece ??????
Re: Anime Fans

Watched Puella Shoujo Madoka Majica. It was really good just as the reviews made it out to be.
Re: Anime Fans

Just two episodes of character introductions and with hardly a real fight, yet Fate/Zero already makes the Fate/Stay Night look silly. This is far more darker and with all characters given almost equal weightage so this is pretty much set to be the best new anime this season.

Not all that impressed with Mirai Nikki, Shakugan no Shana 3, Bentou etc and not much expectations for Guilty Crown either.
Re: Anime Fans

Try taking a look at Chihayafuru if you are ok with something alternative. Not sure where its headed but 2 episodes have aired and its holding my interest.

New Gundam seems quite good too
Re: Anime Fans

Chihayafuru should be good as long as they don't focus too much on the romance/love triangle. Reminds me in a way of Shion no Ou.
Re: Anime Fans

^ Have you seen Persona 4 ? Read a few posts that said might not be recommended for people who have not played the game. Also watching Phi brain
Re: Anime Fans

Even im an anime/manga fan ,i follow many series,in anime/manga im following

One piece ,i really like the story line

Fairy Tail ,EPIC both manga and anime(little slow at the start but if you give it time it will blow you away)

Slam duck ,Still like it ,especially on animax dub

Naruto i always skip the fillers some what a waste of time

Bleach is awesome

And reading more manga's though not sure whether to mention here since its an anime thread.
Re: Anime Fans

bottle said:
^ Have you seen Persona 4 ? Read a few posts that said might not be recommended for people who have not played the game. Also watching Phi brain
Saw the second ep of Chihayafuru just now; the karuta is so lame... mahjong, shougi, go are so much more interesting strategywise so its probably going to have a hard time being compared to other game based anime. The art in Persona 4 seemed lame to me and the setting is very similar to Bleach. If the game is so popular maybe the show will turn out to be a good one.

Is Phi Brain any good at all? Its seems to have got a low rating on myanimelist and the premise seems totally stupid. Dozens of stupid shows like these get made while manga like Vinland Saga, Liar Game, Dorohedoro and Hoshi no Samidare don't :(

Even Claymore could use a remake which sticks to the manga by now.
Re: Anime Fans

I just started watching Code Geass in 720p HD. Amazing stuff :D

I tried both the English dub and the Japanese version with subs, and I prefer the subbed version. The dub isn't all that natural :|
Re: Anime Fans

chiron said:
Is Phi Brain any good at all? Its seems to have got a low rating on myanimelist and the premise seems totally stupid. .

Guess not, watched a couple of eps , it seemed to have promise since it was all about puzzles but they spoiled it by giving the lead char a superpower that solves them instantly :P
Re: Anime Fans

Guilty Crown has got some cool animation but the story feels a bit generic. Mirai Nikki is crap as expected.
Re: Anime Fans

Bleach FTW
Death Notes to chew your brains out :D

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kvikram said:
I just started watching Code Geass in 720p HD. Amazing stuff :D

I tried both the English dub and the Japanese version with subs, and I prefer the subbed version. The dub isn't all that natural :|

Can I have the links please?

I heard it is a very good series
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