Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard'

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Well, we can't sugar-coat this one -- when a major Nokia / Symbian site like Symbian-Guru decides to close up shop "thanks to Nokia's consistently piss-poor hardware choices and Symbian's lack of ability to even remotely compete in terms of features," there's not much else to say. It sounds like shutting things down was at once both incredibly easy and incredibly hard for site heads Ricky Cadden and Rita El Khoury, who've both penned long letters about their decision -- you can tell both of them remain incredibly passionate about Nokia and Symbian, but that they've been disappointed by mediocre handsets like the N97 one time too many. Better hope Nokia can take that MeeGo for handsets pre-alpha we saw yesterday and whip it into something good, we suppose. You should really hit the source link and read the entire post on Symbian-Guru, but we've collected some choice quotes after the break.


* "I swear I could get a VISA, buy an airplane ticket, travel to Texas and talk to Ricky in person before Nokia Messaging for IM loads and opens a conversation with him on my N97 Mini."
* "But honestly, how can you blame outside developers when Nokia themselves can't seem to pull through a decent application?"
* "What good does it do me, as a user, if you have 40 or 50 or 60 % marketshare when you fail to gain any developer traction?"
* "Where are the games that make me pop my eyes in awe? The N8 will get Angry Birds. Big whoop. It took me all of 2 days to finish all levels of Angry Birds on my iPod Touch and you know what? When I was done, I moved on to the next game. Could I say the same about the N8?"
* "I can't evangelize a platform when I'm no longer 100% convinced myself: that would be hypocrisy and I'm not a hypocrite."
* " It had to be done and although it was hard at first, I've now come to terms with the decision."

Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard' -- Engadget

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loved this quote "-
I swear I could get a VISA, buy an airplane ticket, travel to Texas and talk to Ricky in person before Nokia Messaging for IM loads and opens a conversation with him on my N97 Mini.
---Just made my day!!
You've got to admit - S60v5 is great as a backup tool though, with all the crazy modding and hacking scenes around on iOS, Android and WinMo. I know my 5800XM is always present in the background as a fail safe backup, in the event that I do something insane with my N1 or PPCs.
Symbian was THE BEST smartphone platform until 2-3 years ago. But while a lot of development happened around symbian, Nokia chose to do nothing to improve/compete harder.

The core of symbian may be the absolute best, but the UI and H/W specs (esp RAM, Dedicated GPU and ROM) were crappy even in their Flagship device.

Nokia was way ahead, but it suddenly stopped and only watched as it's competition evolved rapidly. It's like a Hare(nokia) and tortoise (Android/iOS) race... :ashamed::ashamed:
vpraveenis said:
The core of symbian may be the absolute best, but the UI and H/W specs (esp RAM, Dedicated GPU and ROM) were crappy even in their Flagship device.
And the only thing Nokia and its apologists (like AAS) say is that Symbian is much more efficient, hence that doesn't require as much hardware. May have been true in the non-touchscreen days, but in the touchscreen era, the difference in performance between Android and Symbian is stark.

I think they are losing the real hard core fans, and these are the people who can influence others as well. My family has 3 n-series phones, but we haven't bought one since 2008, our recent purchases have been HTC and Samsung. I will not recommend a Nokia high end phone at this time.
seems like motorola,samsung and HTC will overtake nokia unless it gears up and adopts android.or it should give a complete overhaul to symbian os.

i have used nokia devices all my life.bought nokia 5800 when it was launched and with that started my disillusion with nokia.

that was the first time i'd ever faced a problem with a brand new nokia device.

first there was the earpiece problem Nokia 5800 Earpiece Problem Fixed

as soon as it got fixed,i faced a bizzare lcd problem Nokia Support Discussions - LCD problem with nokia 5800 xm - Nokia Support Discussions

when you buy a freakin phone for 19k,you expect it to behave can a reputed company's(nokia) quality testers can let a product out in the open

market with such enormous defects.

so now i'm looking to ditch nokia for a samsung galaxy S.
On big problem i found with these symbian nokia devices is that why do they not provide some very good amount of RAM memory. Many a times we get "Close some applications and try again".. Why ???? Give something like 256 MB or 512MB of RAM. Not sure whether it is not physically possible or what.

Because of all this i am forced to use applications like RamBlow in my 5230 to free up memory. Max free memory i have got is 51 MB.

Due to these RAM reasons i had to ditch the SPB mobile shell application.

May be memory optimization is also needed on symbian front.
smoky004 said:
Well, we can't sugar-coat this one -- when a major Nokia / Symbian site like Symbian-Guru decides to close up shop "thanks to Nokia's consistently piss-poor hardware choices and Symbian's lack of ability to even remotely compete in terms of features," there's not much else to say. It sounds like shutting things down was at once both incredibly easy and incredibly hard for site heads Ricky Cadden and Rita El Khoury, who've both penned long letters about their decision -- you can tell both of them remain incredibly passionate about Nokia and Symbian, but that they've been disappointed by mediocre handsets like the N97 one time too many. Better hope Nokia can take that MeeGo for handsets pre-alpha we saw yesterday and whip it into something good, we suppose. You should really hit the source link and read the entire post on Symbian-Guru, but we've collected some choice quotes after the break.


* "I swear I could get a VISA, buy an airplane ticket, travel to Texas and talk to Ricky in person before Nokia Messaging for IM loads and opens a conversation with him on my N97 Mini."

* "But honestly, how can you blame outside developers when Nokia themselves can't seem to pull through a decent application?"

* "What good does it do me, as a user, if you have 40 or 50 or 60 % marketshare when you fail to gain any developer traction?"

* "Where are the games that make me pop my eyes in awe? The N8 will get Angry Birds. Big whoop. It took me all of 2 days to finish all levels of Angry Birds on my iPod Touch and you know what? When I was done, I moved on to the next game. Could I say the same about the N8?"

* "I can't evangelize a platform when I'm no longer 100% convinced myself: that would be hypocrisy and I'm not a hypocrite."

* " It had to be done and although it was hard at first, I've now come to terms with the decision."

Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard' -- Engadget

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

loved this quote "- ---Just made my day!!
Don't you dare say anything negative about Symbian :P Let me quote the Symbian ( fanboys on this forum. "Symbian runs on much older hardware, unlike iOS4 and Android, therefore it must be a godlike mobile phone OS."

I'm already waiting for "people like" Lord Nemesis to come here and play the denial game, saying that Symbian-Guru is actually a secret supporter of Android and iOS and that's why it's shutting down. And that the move has nothing to do with Symbian or Nokia as the latter have over "50% marketshare as of 2010".
smoky004 said:

* "I swear I could get a VISA, buy an airplane ticket, travel to Texas and talk to Ricky in person before Nokia Messaging for IM loads and opens a conversation with him on my N97 Mini."
ROFL!! :rofl:
raksrules said:
On big problem i found with these symbian nokia devices is that why do they not provide some very good amount of RAM memory. Many a times we get "Close some applications and try again".. Why ???? Give something like 256 MB or 512MB of RAM. Not sure whether it is not physically possible or what.

Because of all this i am forced to use applications like RamBlow in my 5230 to free up memory. Max free memory i have got is 51 MB.

Due to these RAM reasons i had to ditch the SPB mobile shell application.

May be memory optimization is also needed on symbian front.
So, you haven't visited Nokia care yet ? :P There must be some problem with your set as you had to face various issues. I can run Opera mini with 4-5 tabs, default symbian browser, messaging, music, twit60 etc ( like 5-6 apps at a time) but never faced the RAM shortage issues :S
tracerbullet said:
I'm already waiting for "people like" Lord Nemesis to come here and play the denial game, saying that Symbian-Guru is actually a secret supporter of Android and iOS and that's why it's shutting down. And that the move has nothing to do with Symbian or Nokia as the latter have over "50% marketshare as of 2010".

1. This news has already been posted in another thread... by me.
2. I am not a Fanboi, So I never denied that there are issues with Symbian most of them due to Nokia i.e unlike some fruty fanboi's who claim that their fruity product is magical and perfect in every way. :bleh: (When the only magical thing about it is consistently having issues with the basic functionality in every iteration)
3. Symbian still has more than twice the market share of iOS or Andorid as of 1st quarter 2010. As I said in another thread Symbain does not even need to compete with Android or iOS to maintain a lead.
Nokia is da best. Death to da rest. Amen.

Meaning: I'm looking forward to the year end and any new MeeGo N-series device launches then :)
I think the release of MeeGo shows that Nokia themselves do not seem to be quite looking toward the future with Symbian.
Lord Nemesis said:
3. Symbian still has more than twice the market share of iOS or Andorid as of 1st quarter 2010. As I said in another thread Symbain does not even need to compete with Android or iOS to maintain a lead.
Yet it is not the most profitable cell phone company.Apple despite making a single handset is the most profitable followed by RIM(if i am not wrong).Nokia produces a lotta cheap junk which has many takers in the developing world because it's cheap.That's why it has the highest market share.However that's likely to change in the near future.New entrants like spice, lemon, etc,etc are rollin out super cheap handsets and they seem to be beating nokia in their own game.They have already lost the high end market and are in danger of loosin the low end market as well.lookin forward to the day when the finnish junk maker closes down for good!!:P Future belongs to iOS,android and hopefully windows
Lord Nemesis said:
unlike some fruty fanboi's who claim that their fruity product is magical and perfect in every way. :bleh: (When the only magical thing about it is consistently having issues with the basic functionality in every iteration)

Assuming you are talking about the iPhone, I don't think anyone on this forum has ever said that the device is magical and perfect in every way. I certainly haven't, and I don't remember anyone saying so either. Also, if you remember my first post in the Android fragmentation thread of yours, I said that I support Android wholly and expect to see it as the no. 1 mobile phone OS in the near future. Mark my words on that ;)
smoky004 said:
lookin forward to the day when the finnish junk maker closes down for good!!:P Future belongs to iOS,android and hopefully windows
Nah, no reason to be so harsh on them. Like I mentioned in the other thread, the faster Nokia junks the archaic Symbian OS and its numerous iterations and moves to MeeGo or alternatively Android, the better it is for them.
dasgupta_arup said:
so nobody is hoping for a beefier faster symbian 3 ???

What is it??

Nokia CAN'T or nokia WON'T :(
Nokia CAN but they WON'T. Symbian 3 is not meant to compete with Android. It's to replace S60 in lower end models and given that Android phone makers are now looking at midrange segment, it would spell doom for S^3.

S^4 is something that should revive Symbian but can't be sure about that. My hope is pinned on MeeGo. But again, there is no stability in there. WHo knows when Nokia would drop this platform for something else?
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