can you enlighten me on that part?
Resale value for gold jewelry in India is dependent on the actual gold present in an ornament. Because a larger part of the store cost of Tanishq jewelrey is the cost of the design and Tanishq brand name, those don't carry over to the resale price.
For example - 1000 Rs Tanishq necklace might have 600 Rs worth of gold, but a 1000 Rs necklace from a local shop will have 800 Rs worth of gold in it. It might look worse than Tanishq's design but on the resale market, it is 600 Rs worth of gold vs 800 Rs worth of gold.
In tech terms, it is like buying an Alienware desktop. When you are reselling it on a forum, people are not going to go by your original price. They will just look at the core components of the PC.