Tata docomo geek enuf contest

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TATA DOCOMO has launched a first of its kind ‘Geek enuf’ contest, which begins on 23rd November 2009. The Geek enuf contest comes after the grand success of the Tata Docomo Dietalk Contest and seeks to engage online fans and users in a similar way. As the name suggests, the Geek enuf contest is for those who have a geeky side to them. But in reality it is also for those who aren’t quite geek enough but still aspire to be the perfect geeks around! This contest can be played across 3 social networking platforms; Facebook, Orkut and Twitter. The object of the contest is to vote for yourself as the geekiest person around and to get your friends and family to do the same. The latest Android powered Samsung Galaxy i7500 handset will be given out as the prize everyday for the geek who gets the most votes for that particular day.

For more information on how to participate in the Tata Docomo Geek enuf contest visit Geek enuf contest

To explore your geeky side visit Geek Thing
Leaving the spamming part aside, TATADOCOMO thinks that we are fools. It asks our family and friends to vote for us as the geekiest person. Underlying message.....get DOCOMO to as many people as possible.

It would have been better if they directly told that the person with the highest referrals wins.

Paypal is running a wonderful campaign. It attaches value to the customer and pays him for his efforts to spread the word.
but i still dont understand the rationale behind tata docomo being allowed to post in the forums, is tata docomo associated with TE in any way ? how will members of TE benefit out of this, 2morrow we might have somebody from vodafone or idea starting all this, this is just a redundant info and a marketing sort of campaign. on the participation and contribution front they are zero
See, it's not a bot. It is someone from Tata Docomo who is posting in various forums.

Frankly, I say there is no harm in it. Because this person is relatively active on TE, if there are complaints, he would take note of it as well.

Right now, he is just informing us of various offers, promotions and contests they are having. Let's be honest, not much escapes our eagle eyed members. If he hadnt posted it yesterday, someone else would have started a thread about this contest today or tomorrow.

Let's not be blind and judgemental.
hmmm, as far as looking at the problems of members around, i think it makes sense to have a person from Tata Docomo(or any other telecom co.) to represent in the forums(though i am still not clear on how we establish their identity and know if the person is actually from the co. , their posts and replies are the only testimony right now), but i dont know if i would support their marketing campaigns inside TE, its difficult to draw a line or if that is what is thr expectation is, in exchange of posts/replies etc they expect to do marketing inside TE, if the post has been from a member i can understand, but such posts from thr representative rings a bell.

i may be judgmental but i think we should debate this out.

my thoughts!
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