buBleZ said:^^ WTH.. thats awesome avg speed on torrents that too for 1500.. Hope it comes to all places![]()
varkey said:But Im using the same connection and I get full signal but speeds rarely cross 100. Mostly its in the 50-60 range.![]()
gmano said:Tried placing the modem near a window? (using the extension card) tried with some good private tracker torrents with good number of seeders?
kashmiri said:They are cheating , IN Kashmir we hardly are getting 200-300 KBPS that too not constantly. Visit TATA KAshmir Outages blog Internet Providers : Tata Indicom : Outtages, Network, - Powered by CO.CC and kindly share your experiences in that
hotshot05 said:If you get 300KB/s then you are getting more than what you were promised. 2.4Mb/s means 2.4 Megabit per second and the speed that you are shown during downloads is in KB(Kilobytes) per second not Kb(Kilobit) per second.
1 byte = 8 bit
gmano said:2.4 Mbps = 2.4 x 1024 = 2457.6, Kbps which is 2457.6/8 = 307.2 KBps.
300 KBps is possible in a 2.4Mbps connection isn't it?
gmano said:2.4 Mbps = 2.4 x 1024 = 2457.6, Kbps which is 2457.6/8 = 307.2 KBps.
300 KBps is possible in a 2.4Mbps connection isn't it?
Checksum said:A quick question for people who have used this in Chennai. Should I consider Photon, or Reliance Wimax? Is this stable enough to be used 24x7?
Also, what is the total monthly bill inclusive of taxes?
150 Kbps - Rs.750/- Per month
300 400 Kbps - Rs.999/- Per month ( Plan upgraded recently )
600 Kbps - Rs.1799/- Rs.1399/- Per Month ( Price dropped recently )
1000 Kbps - Rs.2999/- Rs.2199/- Per Month ( Price dropped recently )
vijaycool said:@gmano: Have you tried BSNL evdo vs tata indicom. How stable in velachery area? Please share your experience if you have already used this
Velachery upto 144Kbps speed