I used to use Tata Sky HD service for a year or two. I stopped using it since Diwali 2012 because of their high price and switched to some other service provider.
Today I got call from a number and the lady claimed to be Tata sky employee. She said that since I don't use the service, I now need to return the STB. I will not get any money in return. She said that the Tata sky owns the STB and not us. She mentioned that this is mentioned in the terms and conditions. Look here:
http://www.tatasky.com/wps/wcm/connect/5641b248-31b3-41e9-81e0-88db15143bd1/Tata Sky Subscription Contract.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=5641b248-31b3-41e9-81e0-88db15143bd1
She also mentioned that dish is owned by the user. Here she contradicted herself as the terms mentioned above says that too is owned by Tata sky.
Till now I was under the impression that the user owns the STB. Dish and access card was owned by Tata sky. Has any of you got such a call? What to do in such a case?