TCS , a matter of deep frustation

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I will try to contact POC first . If any of you have the mail id or contact number of any HR in kolkata branch please pm me. it will be a time saver.
See even if we give you an contact number of any HR/recruitment officer tehy will not bother for you cause you might not come under their responsibility... So it is extrememly essentail that you check the portal and see ur joining date and get teh POC number from TPO and get in touch with him.

Have u accepted the offer letter that gets posted on the portal???? If you have not then you will never get joining date... So check that....

Or dress up tomorrow morning and go to TCS office and get in touch with any HR in charge with recruitments and see what they say... Am sure you have missed some step in the process...

And reg Background check it happens before the ILP and not after... Once you go to ILP u become thier employee so BCG after that is useless... Confirm if ur friends had some guy come over for inquiry... Do you remember filling any form for Police verification or BCG verification
lida said:
See even if we give you an contact number of any HR/recruitment officer tehy will not bother for you cause you might not come under their responsibility... So it is extrememly essentail that you check the portal and see ur joining date and get teh POC number from TPO and get in touch with him.

Have u accepted the offer letter that gets posted on the portal???? If you have not then you will never get joining date... So check that....

Or dress up tomorrow morning and go to TCS office and get in touch with any HR in charge with recruitments and see what they say... Am sure you have missed some step in the process...

And reg Background check it happens before the ILP and not after... Once you go to ILP u become thier employee so BCG after that is useless... Confirm if ur friends had some guy come over for inquiry... Do you remember filling any form for Police verification or BCG verification

Came back from college just now. Tpo is saying that i am not the only one from my college, there are 3, 4 more who havn't received. so all he is saying to wait for 10 days and come back with all the name, they will not do anything individually.

Offer letter , properly accepted long back. 1st jan 2010

that background checking and police verification is been done during ilp, all of my freinds who got jl also got the bcg form to fill up and they have to submit it on the first day of ilp.

Going to the TCS kol office personally is my last resort.
I might not be a great help in this exact topic.
But, being or to be a professional, kindly avoid your college language and try to be simple, polite in communication. I know TCS majorly deals with outside clients and if this methodology of communication is not changed soon, it very tough to change later.

You might get a joining date & huge package, But maintaining them and moving to next level is really tough, which can happen only your communication is improved.

Everybody imgines your personality by the words you type, either in a forum post or e-mail.

Kindly, elevate your communication skill, and avoid shortened words....
Write a mail to HR with the same skills you have used in the thread .You will get a termination letter even before u get the joining date.
Errr guys cut him some slack. :P

I guess he was pretty upset when he posted it. Don't devour him for that! :lol:
Guy i totally agree that the way he wrote that is not correct and all the stuff you said above is also very true.

But now he is still in college and no one has ever corrected him. His ILP training will teach him how to write a email :bleh: and even if that does not work then his PL will make sure that he learns learns to write emails in a polite and professional manner by lowering his rating :@.

So when he starts working am sure he will change and he will improve. I am confident about that.

Right now he is just tensed about his job and thus the all the crappy language. And we really should not take his case at this point of time. We will do it when he gets his joining :P. So please leave that topic.
Finally.. got the jl. its odd because none of my friend got there. 8th dec tvm... :clap::clap:

thanx to all who supported in last 24 hours. :hap2:

And those who were busy to correct my language , no words for them .

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Some queries for lida and asidxxx

1. my ilp starts from 8th of dec, from which day i will be provided accomodation ?

2. place is tvm , can you provide some insights of tvm ilp centre ? place , food , differences wrt other ilp centers ?
1) I think it is normally 3 to 5 days earlier...

2) My ILP was not in TVM, it was in Pune. So have no clue of TVM. One of my colleagues just came from TVM ILP so will ask him about your doubts. All I know is that TVM is one of the best ILP for TCS. Accomodations are also good and training depends on the person teaching you. So wish for the best.

Now getting to the BASHING :bleh:. TVM ILP is rather very strict in terms regards to Communication and Attire. So you will have to really improve yourself significantly in these terms incase that is ur normal way of talking/writing. But in the recent posts things are good also I do not know if you are extra cautious while writing them or no. So cant really say.

Enjoy urself in ILP cause those days will never come back. Have fun at the Paid Vacation.
lida said:
1) I think it is normally 3 to 5 days earlier...

2) My ILP was not in TVM, it was in Pune. So have no clue of TVM. One of my colleagues just came from TVM ILP so will ask him about your doubts. All I know is that TVM is one of the best ILP for TCS. Accomodations are also good and training depends on the person teaching you. So wish for the best.

Now getting to the BASHING :bleh:. TVM ILP is rather very strict in terms regards to Communication and Attire. So you will have to really improve yourself significantly in these terms incase that is ur normal way of talking/writing. But in the recent posts things are good also I do not know if you are extra cautious while writing them or no. So cant really say.

Enjoy urself in ILP cause those days will never come back. Have fun at the Paid Vacation.


i am not extra cautious. yesterday was kinda ****ed really and just posted in whatever LINGO came in my mind . :(

IF U do inform about tvm will be highly thankfull. the place is so damn south from my current residence.
deep16 said:
1. my ilp starts from 8th of dec, from which day i will be provided accomodation ?

2. place is tvm , can you provide some insights of tvm ilp centre ? place , food , differences wrt other ilp centers ?

#You'll be provided accommodation from day 1, most probably you'll get the accommodation in TCS executive hostel, it's very near to the ILP. But don't worry about what and where you get. TCS will arrange for your commute at a nominal cost.

#TVM is one of the best ILP centre of TCS. You might not appreciate the food a lot but TVM is a place you'll never forget for years to come.
47Shailesh said:
#You'll be provided accommodation from day 1, most probably you'll get the accommodation in TCS executive hostel, it's very near to the ILP. But don't worry about what and where you get. TCS will arrange for your commute at a nominal cost.

#TVM is one of the best ILP centre of TCS. You might not appreciate the food a lot but TVM is a place you'll never forget for years to come.

heard tvm ilp faculty is much strict than other ilps... true ?
deep16 said:
And those who were busy to correct my language , no words for them .

I didn't want to say this before, but I think what they said is much more important for your future than anything else.

Your state of mind is no excuse for badly legible text or using SMS Lingo. They are bad habits that people often get struck with and I have often seen college recruits carry them over to their professional life as well. If you use them casually, its quite easy to carry them over to places where you should not be using them. MNC's have a multi-national, multi-cultural, multi-linguistic environment and it is important to cultivate good communication skills (both spoken and written) and there is a reason why English is accepted as a standard language for communication in such environments. That applies to this forum as well. There is a reason why SMS Lingo or H4X0R is not allowed for typing out posts.

How would you feel if everyone wrote their replies in Klingon or H4X0R saying that their state of mind dictated writing like that.

Would you prefer reading text like I posted till now or like below.

I DIdN'7 w@n7 70 5@y thI$ 83f0R3, 8u7 I 7hiNK WH@7 7h3y 5@ID i$ MUCH M0r3 imp0R7@n7 f0R y0uR fu7ur3 7h@N @NY7HiNg 3l53.

y0Ur 57@7e 0f MinD I5 no 3xCU5e F0r 8@DLy l3gi8l3 73X7 0r U5ing 5M$ LING0. 7H3y @r3 8@D H@8It5 tH@7 p30pl3 0F73n G37 57RuCK Wi7h @nd I H@V3 0F73n s33N c0LL3ge r3CRui7s carry 7h3m 0v3R t0 7heIR pR0F3$si0n@l LiF3 @$ w3Ll. If y0U u53 7h3M C@sU@lly, i75 qui73 e@5y 70 c@rRY 7H3m 0v3r 70 pL@c35 Wh3r3 y0u 5H0Uld N07 8e u5ing 7h3m. mNc'5 h@v3 @ MuL7I-N@7i0N@l, muL7i-cul7Ur@L, mul7I-LiNGUI57iC 3nvir0NM3N7 @Nd I7 i$ ImP0R7@N7 70 cUL7iv@t3 g00D C0MMunIc@7I0n $kill$ (807h $P0k3N @nD wRI773n) @nd 7H3R3 i$ @ R3@5oN Why 3nglI$h i5 @cC3P73d @$ @ 5t@Nd@rD L@ngu@Ge F0r C0mMUNIc@7I0n IN 5UcH 3nVIr0nM3Nt$. 7H@7 @PpLI35 70 tHi5 F0rum @s W3lL. 7H3re I5 @ R3a$0n why sM$ LINg0 0r H4x0r i5 N07 @Ll0w3d f0R 7yPinG 0U7 p0$t$.

H0W W0ULD Y0U F33L IF 3v3RY0N3 wR073 7H3ir R3pLI35 In KLING0n 0r h4X0r $@yinG 7h@7 7H3ir $7a73 0F MiNd Dic7a73d wrI7ING LIk3 7h@7.
Gannu said:
^That actually is readable btw. :P

Probably because you had read the initial paragraph first, so your brain is able to paraphrase and map it.


By the way, how did Lord N, manage to write all that. Any translator available. Would love to bug friends with that.
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