Lord Nemesis said:I didn't want to say this before, but I think what they said is much more important for your future than anything else.
Your state of mind is no excuse for badly legible text or using SMS Lingo. They are bad habits that people often get struck with and I have often seen college recruits carry them over to their professional life as well. If you use them casually, its quite easy to carry them over to places where you should not be using them. MNC's have a multi-national, multi-cultural, multi-linguistic environment and it is important to cultivate good communication skills (both spoken and written) and there is a reason why English is accepted as a standard language for communication in such environments. That applies to this forum as well. There is a reason why SMS Lingo or H4X0R is not allowed for typing out posts.
How would you feel if everyone wrote their replies in Klingon or H4X0R saying that their state of mind dictated writing like that.
Would you prefer reading text like I posted till now or like below.
vivek.krishnan said:Well good to know that your problem is solved, best of luck for your new life in TVM!
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Buddy, you are the one asking for help. We are there to help you out. Its easy to read SMS lingo for a line or two max, then it becomes irritating. That's all.
deep16 said:no. that is certainly not readable. what all of you guys said is true but doesnot mean i have come here to take my english classes. sms lingo is not that hard to read and if its so unreadable to some members why donot simply avoid my thread ? a simple warning or infarction was enough from the mod , what i saw here over criticizing someone's talking and writing capability what is unacceptable. " take ur sorry ass off " , i guess that was an example of fine english from this forum..
yes offcourse, when the first member pointed that out i tried to cover up as much as i can. but i guess that was not enough. rather than replying according to the topic it became how much unprofessional my writing skills are. rite ?
deep16 said:@m-jeri .. love you man for providing such details....![]()