TE:In need of ALL the Help u can offer.PLEASE

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Hai TechEnclave

I've been a member of this community for quite sometime, some people like me some don't, but today I'm in need of ALL ur help. have lil patience while reading this.....

this story begins as all stories begin, about a year ago when i saw an add in Techtree.com for deals in mobile phones, i took the bait and contacted the guy, he said he'll give me a moto Razr V3i for 7k back then and i agreed and deposited the money in his Bank of Baroda Account ,all 7k.

and within the next few days one of my friends asked me for a V3x and i referred this guy to my friend and he deposited 10K. so a total of 17K is with him, hes dodging both of us for about a year now, now he cuts off the phone if we call.

hes is from mumbai named ANKUSH ARORA, his cell is 09820802579 an he says he works in Microsoft.

i want to get him, not for the money, but for the pain he is causing me for all this whole year, i want to get this SOB,

please help me, all i need is his address from Hutch Service as im in tamilnadu i cant get it there. please understand all the hell he caused me because of this, i even came to mumbai for this but he said he is in china, lies ALL LIES, please help me guys the mental agony im going through is just unbarable PLEASE HELP ME AS U'LL HELP UR BROTHER.

i'll be eternally grateful for u guys if u in anyway help me. please help me.


MOBILE : 09820802579

Working : in microsoft(he says so)

Please help me. I DONT WANT SUCH SCAMMER ALIVE IN THIS WORLD, he got me through the WEB and lets show him what WE can do to SCAMMERS SUCH AS HIM.


Whats the proof that he owes u money ?? Whats the proof that he is Ankush arora , he may as well be some Girl u r trying to get address of. If its been an Year , y r u asking for help now ? You went as far as Mumbai but u didn't bother to Lodge a Police complaint regarding this ? Dont get me wrong ..... But its kinda hard to Trust someone in such cases. Show us proof and we might help :)
what kinda Proof shoul i get u? i didnt record the calls we had, if u really doubt me u can spend 1.50RS for my sake and ask if he is Ankush Arora. and im a student and dont have proper anything to lodge a Complaint and why would i use this community to GET AN ADDRESS OF A GIRL, im no pervert.

besides a simple phone call would prove rite? if its a girl u ban me from every forum iam in, u just ask him if he is Ankush...

and how would i blame about somebody giving his phone number without being cheated? its not about the money, its about the mental agony,

he said lies after lies, he said blue dart wont supply it, he said professional courier is not even there in mumbai, and IM NOT DOING THIS FOR FUN.

he cheated me and i swallowed everything he throwed at me, PLEASE GUYS IM NOT CHEATING.
Dude! Lodge an official complaint if your story is true!

O btw..Her'es the guy on Orkut: orkut - Login

Use some feminine charm and meet up..I hope you're understanding what I'm trying to say.. ;)

Do you have the bank account details

The Pay in slips on Account details as such....

If you do thats gr8 and if you dont, contact the bank if the account is still active.

Also it would be great if you have paid by cheque hence it will be a lot better to help you work out...

Also waiting for one whole year is too late....

I hate to say this your money is as good as lost.

But you say you wana get back to him, thats a diffrent thing all together.


another reason for us to know... "tektree" is crap.....
AMD4Life said:
Dude! Lodge an official complaint if your story is true!

O btw..Her'es the guy on Orkut: orkut - Login

Use some feminine charm and meet up..I hope you're understanding what I'm trying to say.. ;)

OMG THANKS MAAN, i cant thank u enough,

HE said lies man i'll get it next week, courier is not here LIES LIES LIES LIES and believed that son of a b**ch.

im gonna lodge a complaint,

its not about money, but its about the scamming SOBs who are alive. thanks man
Online trading can be risky.

Never trust a member in any forum who hasnt earned some sort of credibility or/and make sure there r sm other guys in the forum who know him personally.
memnom said:
OMG THANKS MAAN, i cant thank u enough,

HE said lies man i'll get it next week, courier is not here LIES LIES LIES LIES and believed that son of a b**ch.

im gonna lodge a complaint,

its not about money, but its about the scamming SOBs who are alive. thanks man

You're welcome mate! All the Best! :hap2:
^^Bro, how do u know he's the same Ankush arora menmon is talkin about..there cud be many ankush aroras' on orkut...

well, menmon bro..i think it was not right on ur part to believe in a guy online blindly and then send the money without first gathering enuf info about his credentials..net is a good as well as a bad place...u cannot just trust anyone..hell, its hard to tell the difference between human n bots on the internet nowadays...second biggest mistake was not keeping any proof of the transaction..btw, did u send the cheque by courier or did u send the money thru direct bank transfer? do u have proofs of the receipts and/or bank statements? if not, how are u going to prove to the police tht u have actually paid this guy money?? They will not lodge any complaint due to lack of proof of transaction...

I dont think u are going to get ur money back...its too late..and dont be surprised if the number and bname he gave u were fake..:no:

Wots gone is gone..but take this as a lesson..never deal online if u are not sure of the credentials of the seller...tht is why it is better to buy/sell stuff on reputed sites like ebay..n tht too only with sellers who have a very good rating...even then there in no guarantee tht u will get a fair deal...net business is risky..:no:
@ Ryan - The guy (Orkut profile) has mentioned the same mobile number that our friend here, memnom, has called up several times and talked to this guy..Checking a few of his scraps reveal that his name indeed is Ankush and it is not a fake profile.

About him getting his money back, looks like a long shot but getting his @$$ kicked - Thats possible! :D
AMD4Life said:
@ Ryan - The guy (Orkut profile) has mentioned the same mobile number that our friend here, memnom, has called up several times and talked to this guy..Checking a few of his scraps reveal that his name indeed is Ankush and it is not a fake profile.

About him getting his money back, looks like a long shot but getting his @$$ kicked - Thats possible! :D
i don't see a number on that profile.
And its says Pune, not Mumbai.:S
^^ You're right!

But when I posted this here, it met all criterias for suspicion..the name, the location (Mumbai), the mobile number (ditto as memnom had mentioned)..

Am very surprised as to why all this was changed so suddenly..
^^^ Awesome..Thats too good mate!! :hap2:

:clap: :clap:

Hope that there'll be some justice now for menmon and others like him.
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