TE:In need of ALL the Help u can offer.PLEASE

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Well if anyone can give me concrete proof that this dude is a fraud, I can try to get his MS software dealership cancelled. But I need proof!!!
Chaos said:
Well if anyone can give me concrete proof that this dude is a fraud, I can try to get his MS software dealership cancelled. But I need proof!!!

Well maybe menmon has some e-mails from him from which it can be proved that he's a cheat! But I guess till he responds on this thread with all details, all we say will be just speculation..
Even then, I don't think that might be sufficient to get his dealership cancelled.

But atleast we got the guy and we have his details now.. :D
Chaos said:
Well if anyone can give me concrete proof that this dude is a fraud, I can try to get his MS software dealership cancelled. But I need proof!!!

Gr8 stuff thr man....straight out of Agatha Christie..lol..

Btw, incase memnom doesnt come up with a proof or something then i think the only way to grab this guy is a set up..something like a sting operation..send some guys or atleast buy something from this guy, online and wait for him to respond after he gets the money..but yeah, this time around, proper proof of transaction has to be kept...if he screws up things, show the proof to the cops and take 'em there to this address n grab this a$$bag..;)
AMD4Life said:
Even then, I don't think that might be sufficient to get his dealership cancelled.

But atleast we got the guy and we have his details now.. :D

Leave that part on me ;). If this guy is really a conman, he's a gonner. But as I said, I need concrete proof... not just two but more cases like this if possible.
what proof can i give man? c guys my dad is a Superintendent of customs in erode, will his word go against him? just give me your number i'll ask my dad to tak to u i dont have the bank details man, its been an year and I BELIEVED THAT SOB,
if u have a doubt man, just call that SOB up and say that u are from mumbai customs and what about the AMARAN'S(ME) money or the phones he promised, just see what he talks k, then u'll have concrete proof.

everybody here thanks for the help u are doing, and just know im indebted to all of u, HAIL THIS COMUNITY.

please help a lil more in finding him, i want to know there are VERY GOOD people here too.

thanks i cant thank you enough...
well i shd suggest one lil thing here..

save a screenie of that SOB from orkut .. which wd get 2 things ..

1) a decent list of his frnds

2) The screenie where that number is stored.. the mobile number ...


that ways the profile can be kept a track of ..

He cant get away by simply changing his details ..

We can co-relate the ppl he had added in his list and get back at him if the need arises..

This shd allow u to get hold of some sorta proof if it actually happens ki it is req to prov smthin .. co relation can lead to get this man nailed ...

No amount of screenies of his frnds wd be less .. get all of them by all means ..
i see some over anxious fool has posted a scrap in his scrapbook .

if the person indeed is from TE.. get it off asap ..

u dnt nail the person like that ..

hv patience.. play on his mind.. we all are wid u now .. jst simply play it like a grown up boy .. infact u shd now love this game ..

Get the scrap off NOW ...
He Changed His Profile Man, See Aint This Prove He Is A Cheat, For Gods Sake Get That Sob.

ya man deleted,

AMD4Life Saw the details. see why would he change his details if he is LEGIT?

got his profile and friends.

MODS please check if he is here,dont want to him to know what we are doing.
delete the pics from the photobucket .. edit them ..

the tab of TE is visible there..

no clues wotsoever shd be there for any1 from outside here ki smthing is being tried..
@ chaos

Nice work there.

Also I think linking memnom and ankush deal over the cancellation of Microsoft Dealership is not justified,

I suggest a alternate plan,

We all create an seperate id on orkut,

Add each other....

Send him a private pm, and if he does return the money.

Email his friend about what he has done, Im sure this is more of a satisfying ending.

I am sure memnom will be more than satisfied with this.

but 1st we try the polite way after that we crash on......
ya man what u say is fine, i've been trying polite for a year now,these are my expenditures jus for that sob

1. 2750 in Phone calls alone(my dad is still shouting me for that)

2. 7k for my trip to mumbai for this, and THIS ALONE (i didnt even see the India Gate), i went once and karthik went once so its 14k to be exact, he used to dodge us as we dont know mumbai, come here,come there and atlast he said he was in CHINA.

will he anser for this???

and all the year full of pain i went through man CUZ OF HIS LIEING, the friendship i had with karthick went of because of this.

common man he should know how it is to be on the receiving end
Dude, you need proof for chaos or the police to be able to do anything, what are you gonna do with his name and address? Give supari to dawood's gang? :/

Your best bet at the moment is to confront him personally with your dad, just don't let him know you are coming :P
thats a far fetched idea do u think he'll come and meet us while he is not even attending the phone?
thats a far fetched idea do u think he'll come and meet us while he is not even attending the phone?

*slaps forehead*

Don't ask him to come and meet you, go there and confront him now that you have the address :/

Like I said, it's the best option you have.
ah .. i feel bad for u man...i got caught up in somethin like this a few years back and luckily got outa it....You made the big mistake of paying him via direct transfer...which means you have no proof....the only way for you now is to talk to him and make him pay...again you don't have proof so its kind of hard....
Cain0xr said:
*slaps forehead*

Don't ask him to come and meet you, go there and confront him now that you have the address :/

Like I said, it's the best option you have.

man he cant just like that leave everyhing and come with me to mumbai. and i have semester exams man,

shrey i know im a fool,lucky got u guys, just learning the life,
dude just go to his office direct......

n confirm him make a issue there im sure he will have a time of his life.....
If tha bank transfer did occur, the bank would have a log of the transaction. If you can acquire this log and take it to the guy at this hideout. That will be proof enough I think.

An advice: Take a female friend with you and start making a scene. If something gets ugly then you can always say that you'll go to court on charges of "abusing the modesty of a woman". :)
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