Hello Karthik,
I need your expertise once again. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I will have to bring the cost down to 17,500. Karthik, I'm sorry to bother you a second time but I simply fear going to Nehru Place and buy a pc on the 'advice' of the vendors there.
Deducting the price of the LCD you suggested ie Dell E1910 IN - Rs.5925 - we are left with 11,500 for the following -
1. Processor
2. Motherboard
3. RAM
4. Hard Disk
5. DVD Drive
6. Cabinet and power supply
7. UPS
8. Keyboard and mouse
(I do not require speakers, webcam or any other accessory, just the above.)
This time around I have no expectations [can't afford them

], just a decent home pc.
Karthik, dig into your magic hat and give me a config.
(If possible, let the config be such that I could attach a graphics card later)
We are excited about Windows 7 and would like to use it on the above system.
If you deem it okay, you could also suggest me a smaller LCD.
Karthik, the next time you come to Delhi you'll have a treat waiting for you [I mean it, my intention is not simply to butter, not entirely that is
