Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)
India wont be very transparent because its made mostly of land. If its made mostly of water it can be more transparent.
AH cant deliver anything, not even pizza. AH should vote for a person offering better governance. Obviously he feels that the person he voted for last time is useless. Why did he vote for him then? If he feels no one qualifies, he should stand in elections and win. And deliver better governance within 30 minutes (or free pizza!). Its called a democracy.
I do not find this defeatist. It says something about the current state of society. Says nothing about change or future. Elected officials will only be as corrupt as the people who elected them.
This is not correct. Guard dogs can be bought for money, traded and trained with meat. Your argument is not valid. In any case, why do you want an ombudsman to watch over your house? I would suggest you get good quality locks - Godrej or Navtal. Maybe hire a watchman too.
Like you said, Govt. did that just to avoid future violent protests. It takes something as basic as a vote to get an accountable govt. Going hungry only helps fat people lose weight.
Im glad you agree that AH methods are not for a free country like ours. Good that we have cleared your clouded mind and accepting that there is no place for AHs behaviour.
Good. You agree that the police is not working as it should have been. AH should have asked the govt. to fix the police system.
What is this book that you have written? Has it been published yet? Can you post an online copy?
Its obvious you havent read the bill - it aims to create a parallel unaccountable system. No doubt about it. You are correct that it will compound the problems. Im glad you are in agreement.
I asked you first, so please reply. Otherwise accept defeat, that you have no idea of what you are saying.
Why does AH want to disrupt govt. work? This is precisely the problem. The govt. is working and AH wants to disrupt it. Im sure he will disrupt the work of the Lokpal too. Unless he is part of it. I think he is just power hungry. Even if Lokpal is formed, he will protest saying that Lokpal is poorly .
Statistics can be made to say whatever wanted. You are just manipulating statistics to show them in bad light. Have you read this book that said all statistics are wrong, even if they are not?
No. Can you tell us why you would like to know about that man and his shirt? Is it something to do with your sexual orientation?
The judiciary and police are weak. Police and judiciary are understaffed. Everyone wants to become IT engineer. No one wants to become judge and constable.
Maybe because the judiciary is weak. Thats why people get out of their "crimes" so easily. You already agree that police is weak. Just a little more thought and you will agree that judiciary is also weak. You can do it if you put your mind to it. We are all here to cheer for you!!
No, you were just bull-shitting and trying to take this thread away from its original intent. Im glad that I was able to restore this thread to its original glory instead of it veering into a discussion about deforestation in India. Which no doubt is a serious problem.
Good. Now the truth comes out that the AH movement is fundamentally violent. The movement will become violent irrespective of the actions of the govt, because they will never be satisfied by the results. The govt. should clamp a curfew on AH (and his supporters) appearing in public or making statements to the press. Next time they gather in that stupid park, govt. should impose curfew. On violation of curfew, govt. should order shoot-at-sight.
Im very familiar since Im also suffering from power cuts during night times. Bangalore has a lot of power cuts you know.
It seems that our country has kept these areas under control by force. They should use the same force in other states that create trouble too. Cant have inequality in our country.
Then fasting is a good idea as it will bring down demand and reduce inflation. One good outcome of the AH movement. During the AH fast, food inflation was actually down. Wish more people had continued.
Stomach will be empty if you want to protest by fasting. AH supporters dont know this? But seeing how stupid they are, I wouldnt be surprised.
People should do work to earn food. Not make lots of babies and expect the govt. to feed them.
blr_p said:And if we are to move from position 87 in the worlds transparency index to the top 20 then there is a lot of work to be done. If this is a fight for transparency then i'm all for it.
India wont be very transparent because its made mostly of land. If its made mostly of water it can be more transparent.
blr_p said:What about governance ? we certainly need better governance. These i would call or at least expect as by products of this movement, more transparency & better governance. If AH delivers on these two then it would certainly be a victory for our system.
AH cant deliver anything, not even pizza. AH should vote for a person offering better governance. Obviously he feels that the person he voted for last time is useless. Why did he vote for him then? If he feels no one qualifies, he should stand in elections and win. And deliver better governance within 30 minutes (or free pizza!). Its called a democracy.
blr_p said:One of LN's objections goes like this, we are inherently corrupt so how can we expect our govt to be any different. There are a number of ways to counter this.
First, I find this defeatist, its saying nothing will change which i don't think is true. We might be corrupt but elected officials are expected to be of a higher std because they are in a position to rule over us. Thjis is where accontablilty comes in. How accountable are they presently.
I do not find this defeatist. It says something about the current state of society. Says nothing about change or future. Elected officials will only be as corrupt as the people who elected them.
blr_p said:Second, what purpose does a guard dog have, why have guard dogs, they serve a purpose. Nobody disputes this they are territorial and watch over the house. This at the simplest level is what an obudsman does.
This is not correct. Guard dogs can be bought for money, traded and trained with meat. Your argument is not valid. In any case, why do you want an ombudsman to watch over your house? I would suggest you get good quality locks - Godrej or Navtal. Maybe hire a watchman too.
blr_p said:If the methods are wrong then why did govt pass a unanimous 'sense of the house' motion? they could have just refused to do so. So that tells me at some point they realised the demands were legitimate. That it took a man to make threats of fasting to death only goes to show how unresponsive our govt can be. He was not fasting for some ulterior purpose all he was asking for was better accountability. Why should it take hunger strikes to ask for something as basic as that.
Like you said, Govt. did that just to avoid future violent protests. It takes something as basic as a vote to get an accountable govt. Going hungry only helps fat people lose weight.
blr_p said:This is not how things should be done in a free country.
Im glad you agree that AH methods are not for a free country like ours. Good that we have cleared your clouded mind and accepting that there is no place for AHs behaviour.
blr_p said:The problem at the moment is there is no policing, nobody ever gets caught. In such a regime there is no penalty for misbehaviour. This movement is an attempt to address that shortcoming. So i don't see it as more people policing the system but rather empowering people to begin policing the system![]()
Good. You agree that the police is not working as it should have been. AH should have asked the govt. to fix the police system.
blr_p said:And they pulled back which in my books redeems them from earlier actions.
What is this book that you have written? Has it been published yet? Can you post an online copy?
blr_p said:The bill won't survive in its original form. The climbdown to the three points is a concession in that regard. There is not going to be some parallel unaccountable system being created here. That would actually compound the problem.
Its obvious you havent read the bill - it aims to create a parallel unaccountable system. No doubt about it. You are correct that it will compound the problems. Im glad you are in agreement.
blr_p said:i asked first :tongue:
I asked you first, so please reply. Otherwise accept defeat, that you have no idea of what you are saying.
blr_p said:Oh, whats he doing now then ? why is he letting this standing commitee do its work instead of PROPERLY gheraoing the buggers.
Why does AH want to disrupt govt. work? This is precisely the problem. The govt. is working and AH wants to disrupt it. Im sure he will disrupt the work of the Lokpal too. Unless he is part of it. I think he is just power hungry. Even if Lokpal is formed, he will protest saying that Lokpal is poorly .
blr_p said:Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice
You see any reports or any minutes of meetings they have there ? nothing, its all secret. We get a 10 page report at the end of this exercise nothing more.
Statistics can be made to say whatever wanted. You are just manipulating statistics to show them in bad light. Have you read this book that said all statistics are wrong, even if they are not?
blr_p said:On another point can you give me your assessment on this dude's shirt ? not sure what to make of it :huh:
No. Can you tell us why you would like to know about that man and his shirt? Is it something to do with your sexual orientation?
blr_p said:No elected representative ever gets convicted. So something is missing here, they tell me its called 'evidence'. Wonder why.
The judiciary and police are weak. Police and judiciary are understaffed. Everyone wants to become IT engineer. No one wants to become judge and constable.
blr_p said:But wait, there is an alternative explanation, because nobody is caught, therefore no crimes were committed in which case we have always had an upstanding govt and indians in
general must have very vivid imaginations. I've faced considerable resistance whenever i've mentioned this for some reason![]()
Maybe because the judiciary is weak. Thats why people get out of their "crimes" so easily. You already agree that police is weak. Just a little more thought and you will agree that judiciary is also weak. You can do it if you put your mind to it. We are all here to cheer for you!!
blr_p said:Was speaking metaphorically.
No, you were just bull-shitting and trying to take this thread away from its original intent. Im glad that I was able to restore this thread to its original glory instead of it veering into a discussion about deforestation in India. Which no doubt is a serious problem.
blr_p said:If you do that the next movement that starts up might not have a so called gandhian behind it, it might have somebody a bit less savoury. If you clamp down again the next movement will be a violent one. What you are suggesting would bring about another emergency some time in the future.
Good. Now the truth comes out that the AH movement is fundamentally violent. The movement will become violent irrespective of the actions of the govt, because they will never be satisfied by the results. The govt. should clamp a curfew on AH (and his supporters) appearing in public or making statements to the press. Next time they gather in that stupid park, govt. should impose curfew. On violation of curfew, govt. should order shoot-at-sight.
blr_p said:How familiar are you with that dark period in our country's history.
Im very familiar since Im also suffering from power cuts during night times. Bangalore has a lot of power cuts you know.
blr_p said:Kashmir, some states in the NE are already police states, the short defintion of that is no legal recourse available. Cops or soldiers can lock you up on the slightest of pretences. We accept this as the price to keep the country intact and pretend it does not happen.
It seems that our country has kept these areas under control by force. They should use the same force in other states that create trouble too. Cant have inequality in our country.
blr_p said:I should have just said inflation as thats the precursor. It then gets manifested in different ways around the world. Arab spring, numerous protests in China that have spiked over the last few years. The govt there raised the bar on income tax for the lowest slab, almost doubling it. In Israel protests over affordable housing. If we expand from inflation to economy, you can add the recent riots in the UK & Greece.
All these movements happened in the last six months, there is a common factor underpinning them. I think its inflation or economical.
Then fasting is a good idea as it will bring down demand and reduce inflation. One good outcome of the AH movement. During the AH fast, food inflation was actually down. Wish more people had continued.
blr_p said:Stomach empty, natives get restless.
Stomach will be empty if you want to protest by fasting. AH supporters dont know this? But seeing how stupid they are, I wouldnt be surprised.
People should do work to earn food. Not make lots of babies and expect the govt. to feed them.