Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?
rabid.parrots said:
dead ringer is tough to play with. it makes too much noise while decloaking.
i was fooled many times by it. kill a spy, easy kill, dead in 1-2 shots, then just after that, the same spy backstabs you. hack? no, its the dead ringer.
i play with your eternal reward and cloak and dagger.
i do wish they give the spy a better knife than the present lot. conniver's kunai is worthless in tight maps like junction and viaduct
The Dead Ringer is actually easy mode for Spy. You don't need to worry about being spotted, set on fire, nothing.
It's practically a Godmode-on-demand absorbing 90% of all damage once activated.
The Cloak & Dagger on the other hand seems pretty awesome at first but requires a lot of patience and skill to use correctly once you factor in map choke-points plus the fact that everyone knows how to spot Spies after 4 years.
With the C&D, once you're spotted and within range, that's it for you. Even if you recloak, they will still hunt you down easily 3/5 times.
There are no second chances like the Dead Ringer.
Ofcourse you still need to be a good Spy to use the Dead Ringer efficiently. It won't do you any good if you inherently suck with the class (like me).
The latest update gave some really excellent items to all classes including the Spy.
The new revolver is better than the default in every single way and arguably the best revolver he now possesses.
And the new knife is unstoppable combined with the Dead Ringer, the -25hp attribute barely dents you when you can stab someone, instantly regain +30 cloak and activate your ringer absorbing enough damage to kill 3 Heavies.
Out of all the new items, only the new minigun got a nerf from Valve. They truly can't let the Heavy have anything good

The new Demoman sword and Spy revolver/knife are so overpowered, it's not even funny.