lol m8..thats due to unfortunate eventsRave said:haha, Quick, where's ur team now?
and According to the ruels of TE league, not more than one team shud be enterd in the league, so Rohit's entry gets disqualified, and me leading, ROcky is 2nd, not bad for us firsttimers eh Rocky?
and quick is 3rd
:yahoo: OH Lovin This RaveRave said:haha, Quick, where's ur team now?
and According to the ruels of TE league, not more than one team shud be enterd in the league, so Rohit's entry gets disqualified, and me leading, ROcky is 2nd, not bad for us firsttimers eh Rocky?
and quick is 3rd
League Name : TechEnclave League Owner : Rahul Rakesh
Rank Team Name Owner Score
1 R4V3 Wajahath Osmani 560
2 rohitf1team1 Rohit Sharma 502
3 Ho0lizZz Chethan Krishna 502
4 RohitF1Team3 Rohit Sharma 501
5 XK Rahul Rakesh 500
6 Forumalwin ashwin r 495
7 2Fast2BLast Rocky . 492
8 medpal med pal 484
9 QuickFire Sumit Chowdhury 461
1 R4V3 Wajahath Osmani 804
2 Forumalwin ashwin r 784
3 2Fast2BLast Rocky . 783
4 Ho0lizZz Chethan Krishna 771
5 XK Rahul Rakesh 763
League Name : TE League [Stage 2]
Password : techenclave
Rockyme2002 said:OMg i too forgot to change my team......
Hmm.....Same rules or many teams??
Same rules shud b fine nd keep it clean guyzzz :cool2:
Rave said:Note: You can not enter with the same team from TE League 1. Only ONE entry per member is allowed. Entering with more than one team automatically disqualifies you
wat u mean? even u have entered the same team frm league 1 :SRave said:Note: You can not enter with the same team from TE League 1. Only ONE entry per member is allowed. Entering with more than one team automatically disqualifies you