Technologically challenged with a fist full of 60K

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First of all, History::ashamed:
Intel P4 2.4GHz, 786Mb of RAM, Nvidia Gforce FX 5200 [256mb], on some AOpen motherboard, Samsung SyncMaster 550v 14". Storage doesn't matter but its 320+80+80GB internal +1TB external.
That config is more than 6 years old. Anyways i'm more into consoles than PC. And you cant even possibly think that i'm keeping any of this. [of course other than the 1TB}

Secondly, Requirements:
It has to be Future Proof for atleast 3-4 years. And should be able to handle the following smoothly:
Photoshop + other design tools [nothing 3d though]
HD Playback and encoding.
Video Editing and conversion.
And even better if it could multi-task all of the above.
Gaming, all on high settings.[Last game my PC rejected was FEAR. So, i have lots of games to explore]

What am i looking at:
As mentioned above i'll be using this setup for another 3-4 years, so i'd love if i could get DX11+sata6+USB3.0+eyefinity [don't even know what eyefinity is]
I would also love i7 930 or something. With 4GB of RAM
20"/21.5"/22" FullHD Monitor.
1TB HDD [Something fast, atleast 7200] or maybe a 160gb[fast one for OS] + 1TB WD green [or any other slow kind for storage]
For cabinet i'm looking at Cooler Master Gladiator 600 but can go cheaper if needed.
Wireless Keyboard n Mouse. [have lots of typing to do so should be comfy and none of those gaming mouse n pads]
No requirement for Speaker as of now but will throw in 2k Altec Lansing 2.1 if budget allows.
SMPS and cooling as required by the system.
No plans for Overclocking as of now.

Finally, Budget:
60K is MAX, stretched it from 50.

I'm open for online purchase but would prefer local purchase in Pune.
And i can wait 15 days or so if 'something' is coming out or the prices are dropping.
I know what i'm asking for is too much on such a tight budget, well thats why i'm here in the first place: Looking for Advice.

So, Thank you for reading and Thank you very much for replying.
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor Core i-5 750(2.66Ghz, 4 cores) 9850
Motherboard Intel DP55WB/Gigabyte P55-UD2 5450/6450
RAM CORSAIR XMS3 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3 1333MHz TW3X4G1333C9 6200
HDD 250GB Seagate 7200.12+ 1.5 TB WD Green 64MB Buffer 1900+5500
GPU Sapphire HD5850 1GB GDDR5 15750
Monitor Benq G2220HD 7600
Cabinet NZXT Gamma 2050
PSU/SMPS Corsair VX550 5000
Key Board Logitech MK250 : Cordless KB+M 1250
Mouse NA -
ODD L.G. GH22NS30 /Samsung SH-S22F SATA DVD-Writer 1100
Total 61650

If on a very tight budget you can skimp on the PSU slightly and go for the Corsair VX450 ~ 3.8k to keep the costs close to 60k.

good config. A VX 450 can do the job for the above config.

For storage, i would say, go for Seagate 1TB 7200.12 *2 for 4*2=8k

its one of the fastest drive around, better than WD black 1TB. Runs cool and costs less too :)

Or RAIDing them would be even better.
^You seem to loathe WD drives for some reason! Let alone the performance part, are you aware of Seagate's RMA policy for the drives in our country?
You can follow the config given by DarkAngel. Seems v good. You can save 500 odd bucks by going for a cheaper keyboard&mouse combo. Also, downgrade the power supply to a Corsair VX450 which costs around 3750 (saving you 1250) and go fro a cheaper cabinet like the Zebronics Bijli (1200-ish) or the Cooler Master 310 Elite (1700-ish)

That should bring your cost below 60k.
"It has to be Future Proof for atleast 3-4 years" - Well to be honest this ain't possible..

coz technology is changing way too fast these days.. in other words i'll say build a PC which you can utilize 100%.

as you've mentioned that you want to run Photoshop,Play HD Content etc. i'll suggest you to go with the Darky's config.
Ohh...ohh...please take the i7 920 instead???You'll get HT, so no bottlenecking!!!
If he gets the i-7 920+X-58 moobo then he needs to add a min. of 10k more(5k for the proccy and 5k for the mobo). Also 3k more for 6GB Trichannel RAM.

So its difficult to squeeze in a i-7 920/930 and a GPU that plays all current gen. games on high settings in FullHD in a 60k budget.
Actually, HD5850 struggles when running games like Metro at fullHD. Better stick to HD5870 or get dual HD5850 and CF them.
Actually, HD5850 struggles when running games like Metro at fullHD. Better stick to HD5870 or get dual HD5850 and CF them.
Seems most cards struggle in Metro :P
Btw one has to consider budget before deciding on any configs, right? Its not possible to squeeze in a HD5870 in his budget and get a decent proccy too for his multimedia work.
@dOm1naTOr: i'm currently not looking for that kind of space, all i need is, one HDD to store data and another one to keep things running fast.

@NAV33N: when i said future proof i meant avoiding situations like 'ohh darn it i should have got DDR3 back then' But you are right about utilizing the PC 100%

@DarkAngel: The config you gave looks like something i'd buy. But my concern is that will the Proccy n Mobo you suggested be able to fully utilize the Sapphire HD5850? And what about cooling? do i need anything extra?

And another thing is that, is the Benq monitor good? i mean i know it's good value for money but is it actually good?

Earlier i got a quote for an i7 930 setup going to 77-80k thats when i stretched my budget to 60k and lowered expectations.
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