Watch out youngsters! Using the 'TeenBuzz' ringtone may give teenagers an edge over adults, but its high pitch will cause faster deterioration of their eardrums.
Dr Mohan Jagade, well-known ENT specialist and plastic surgery, is at pains to point out that the human ear is tuned to hearing sounds only in the range of 512-1024 Hz. Anything lower or higher, will bring on hearing disability.
"Given that this particular ringtone is in the range of 18,000 Hz, it goes without saying that people - especially youngsters - need to avoid it or they will end up damaging their ears," said Dr Jagade, secretary of ENT Association of Maharashtra and also the president of Indian Society of Facial Plastic Surgery.
"I would request them to have normal ringtones for their own benefit," he added.
'TeenBuzz' owes its origins to a 'teen-repellent' gadget called Mosquito. Its inventor Howard Stapleton described it as a device 'almost all of those aged below 20 can hear while almost nobody aged above 30 can'.
The idea occurred to Stapleton from a childhood experience. When 12, he had once accompanied his father to a welding shop where the high-pitched whining of the machines hurt his ears. But he noticed that the welders themselves heard nothing. He came to know that children can hear sounds of very high frequency. This ability decreases as a person ages.
It was this observation which he put to use while inventing Mosquito. It emitted a sound on a very high frequency (18,000-Hz) that adults failed to hear, but proved very irritating to teens, thus keeping them out.
The result was the Mosquito - the world's first teen-repellent which was launched last November.
Got this some time ago from digg. Cheers.Open Audacity...
Generate > Tone
Waveform: Sine
Frequency: 18000.00
Amplitude: 1.00
Generate Tone