Telegram may get banned in India.

When was the last time you heard famous persons announcing news/share stuff over TG compared to IG? Instagram has similar problem true but it also has dozens of times more resources both manual & automated for content moderation unlike TG where it seems there is sometimes just a few guys managing reports from entire countries by themselves. Also, when was the last time you saw pirates advertising full HD latest movies downloads on twitter IDs with hundred thousands+ followers?
We don't know how many takedown requests each of these platforms receive and how many each of them comply with. Anyway, i think we need to make a clear distinction between things like removing child exploitation material and anti piracy requests from copyright trolls like RIAA when discussing moderation. One of them is much more serious even though lobbyists want us to believe that they are the same with high profile raids like the one on kim dotcom.
Twitter files made everything public and it's now known that FBI, etc decided which things were allowed to be posted and what narratives to construct. Even zuck recently expressed regret about Meta working with them. There are public statements and court lawsuits yet people still say "Do you really believe FBI wastes time censoring social media??"
Here is an interview with one of the twitter files authors.

It's now known the FBI & CIA spread disinformation about hunter Biden's laptop. They said it was Russian disinfo to influence the elections. No such evidence has come forth. The laptop story was true but was made to be less prominent. And it turns out it was the FBI & CIA that interferred in the 2020 election. Has anybody been made accountable. Nope.

These agencies are supposed to be apolitical. But they blatantly took sides. I've heard similar accusations about partisan behaviour from these two orgs back in 2016. They have become politicised. This a big deal.
We don't know how many takedown requests each of these platforms receive and how many each of them comply with.
Here is one example from 2021

The rate of compliance with the Indian government’s legal demands is only around 10 percent—the ambiguously stated reason for which is that the flagged tweets may not violate Twitter’s own terms of service.
Pretty low isn't it.

Yet i hear musk does comply with the Indian government.
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We don't know how many takedown requests each of these platforms receive and how many each of them comply with. Anyway, i think we need to make a clear distinction between things like removing child exploitation material and anti piracy requests from copyright trolls like RIAA when discussing moderation. One of them is much more serious even though lobbyists want us to believe that they are the same with high profile raids like the one on kim dotcom.
All Big Tech companies publish a transparency request on the content they have taken down every quarter. Following is an example of the Meta report.

Telegram has never published such a report and nor have they even bothered to respond to requests that they are legally obliged to do.

The other key point is that most Telegram chats are not end to end encrypted and thus Telegram has full access to the content on their server which also makes encryption an invalid defense unlike Signal or WhatsApp.
It's now known the FBI & CIA spread disinformation about hunter Biden's laptop. They said it was Russian disinfo to influence the elections. No such evidence has come forth. The laptop story was true but was made to be less prominent. And it turns out it was the FBI & CIA that interferred in the 2020 election. Has anybody been made accountable. Nope.
Yeah right. Capitol Hill attack criminals are getting convicted left & right while SC of USA loaded with Trump nominees & almost half of the states with republican majority are sitting on their thumbs not able to file even a half decent & believable court case against FBI & CIA. Looks like you took "internet gossips" too seriously (silver lining, at least you didn't took pizzagate seriously). Always remember, if it can't be proved in courts of a first world nation then it wasn't worth seriously considering to begin with.
So twitter files is internet gossip for you?
Ever heard of "concrete evidence", the one they ask in courts? If twitter files were "concrete evidence" then republicans would have filed at least a dozen cases all over the US in various state courts controlled by them but till now no such thing is done meaning twitter files might be a bit more than internet gossip but much less than concrete evidence.
X has been suspended in Brazil. Let's see how long for. And what the response if any from Musk will be.

Maduro in Venezuela could only manage 10 days suspension.