Security Software Telnet Hacking.


Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. When i try to use the telnet to 'hack' i enter the ip address and i press enter and i get this error: Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect Faild.

Way i user putty: Start>cmd>telnet

Dude.. Telnet alone will not HACK any PC.. Also since the IP u want to connect to has got Telnet port i.e. 23 closed, so connect is getting failed.

Also Telnet service is not turned on by default on any windows or linux machines now. You got to turn it on through services.

Hope u got what i said.... ;-)
Yup the command is telnet ip/url port.

But it is specifed in the error that 23 is closed. And 23 is telnet, unless u configure the server to listen on to other port.
^^ What exactly do u want ?? Use Google...

Also Telnet is almost an obsolute server now. Very few places its actually used. SSH is the one u can study.
i want detailed explanation on how to hack local network using telnet

and i want to know the command in it and how they r usefull in hacking

i searched google but i did not find them .
Dude Hacking is more than just hacking... There are lots of very good hackers here at TE...but we call them overclockers... Darky,Adi,Karan,Funky etc are all Hackers IMHO...

So if u want to learn network or system hacking get down to understand systems....

Otherwise hacking is as easy as

Enter Password : xyx

c:\> del *.*

But seriously u talking about hacking Windows systems ?? Check open ports, check out the service which is listening at other end.Search a vulnerability for that service and use that... ;)
hi what is the ways to know which port is open on destination computer:huh:
and if the telnet service by default is disabled so how there are hacking ?
You can use the telnet client to do more than just attach to a telnet server. The telnet client actually does nothing more than start a TCP/IP session. Don't believe me? Try telnetting to port 80 of a website. Then enter "GET index.html" (without the quotes). See what happens...
Hi all,
can nyone help me out in telnet hacking...

I have the ip of my freind PC and I also know the open ports on it.
I try to connect to his PC via telnet and able to connect.

But after that I dont know how to access his pc.

This is what I get stuck up :-

cmd:-telnet x.x.x.x port no(friend pc)
I get this promt:-

Microsoft Telnet> ?

Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are:

c - close close current connection
d - display display operating parameters
o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname (default port 23).
q - quit exit telnet
set - set set options (type 'set ?' for a list)
sen - send send strings to server
st - status print status information
u - unset unset options (type 'unset ?' for a list)
?/h - help print help information

Dont know how to use these cmds to hack his PC further.

Can anyone please help me out here....??????????????
No we cannot help you.

Please move on, using telnet is not hacking.

you are using a utility just like you use a notepad.

"I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." -- Babbage, Charles. Telnet will connect to anything, even your dog if it is listening on a TCP port. If a telnet port is open, it is reasonable to assume that you should be able to connect to that port using a telnet client (putty, windows telnet client). It is also possible that you are in a restricted network whose gateway is configured to drop outgoing telnet (it is also a bad idea to try stunts like this from work unless your job requires you to)

Unfortunately, there are no inbuilt hacking commands in telnet. It might be planned for the next release, but nothing as of now. :(

What KingKrool described is a common method used to quickly grab a webserver's banner. If localecho is off you will not be able to see what you're typing (set localecho). Typically, this would work better this way

GET / HTTP/1.0

fauzzi said:
hi all,
can nyone help me out in telnet hacking...

I have the ip of my freind pc and i also know the open ports on it.
I try to connect to his pc via telnet and able to connect.

But after that i dont know how to access his pc.

This is what i get stuck up :-

cmd:-telnet x.x.x.x port no(friend pc)
i get this promt:-

microsoft telnet> ?

Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are:

C - close close current connection
d - display display operating parameters
o - open hostname [port] connect to hostname (default port 23).
Q - quit exit telnet
set - set set options (type 'set ?' for a list)
sen - send send strings to server
st - status print status information
u - unset unset options (type 'unset ?' for a list)
?/h - help print help information

dont know how to use these cmds to hack his pc further.

Can anyone please help me out here....??????????????

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