TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

I am a gunner. I didn't use melee in F3. But i used melee tactics in FNV. Here the melee was quite satisfying.
Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

All the trailers and screenshots are from xbox 360


Looks Awesome
Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

jc36lect3r said:
I did, with Karl's texture pack. Was a good improvement.
how is its expansions is it worth trying.i have read those were not as good as the original.
Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

Sick of the over dramatic FPS games, hope this game is even much more fun the Oblivion.
Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

smexy this game just made into my this years "Must buy list " hope bethesda releases the game here
Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim E3 2011 gameplay

Yes, it looks that good. The developer has confirmed that Skyrim will have 300+ hours of gameplay. :O

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

13 minute gameplay video, its gorgeous.

Re: Elder's Scroll V : Skyrim announced, dated

A brief play session with Bethesda's role-playing epic.

In an age where role-playing titles are increasingly about perpetual social connectivity, obsessive online competition or are frustratingly linear, there's something comforting about playing an open-world, single-player role-playing game. There's no threat of ganking by malicious players, no worry about PvP ladder rankings, daily guild obligations or a pressing need to level to keep up with friends like in MMOs. It's Bethesda's world, but not long after starting a game it becomes mine. I slash at innocent chickens and shoot fire at pursuing guards as they try to chase me down for breaking the law. I talk with townsfolk to acquire quests or ignore settlements and roam the misty, mountainous countryside in search of treasures and, in Skyrim, dragons. I only have to follow a set path if I want to. Otherwise I can dig in and, unfettered by any influence but my own, truly play a role.

Stomping Across the Snows of Skyrim - PC Preview at IGN
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Boy! I was never interested in an Elder Scrolls game before, but after watching that G4TV gameplay video, this is definitely up in my list now. The 360 version seemed to have tearing issues. If the engine has been beefed up, I can only pray the PC version is optimised, unlike The Witcher 2. :(
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

One question.I am not into RPG's.Do you think i should still give this game a shot?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^ RPG's are one of the most addictive types of games and takes up a lot of time.Just try something like witcher series,fallout 3 etc.It will be great fun.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

tufel said:
One question.I am not into RPG's.Do you think i should still this game a shot?

Today's RPG's are much more noob friendly. They do not have complex hit calculation logics, leveling up systems, skill trees etc, so yes, anybody without prior RPG experience should have a good time. The only thing that is required is willingness to explore. It will take a healthy investment of time to get the most out of the game, but it will be totally worth it :)
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