CPU/Mobo Testing stability of Unlocked PII X2 555

mine is working fine on 1.235 (any thing lower stability issue), mine came down to 62' c max from 73' c max in prime, normally it dosn't even go beyond 56~57' c,
ITs safer to use an after market cooler. My temps were stable at 42 after prime for 2hours. Also your case should have good ventilation. They may be stable but try running it for longer time around 4 hrs once you get the temp issue sorted.

Nothing will happen. Low voltages, will just give you a BSOD, or non boot. Then you can increase it again. Worst comes to worse, reset the CMOS.
Just check your motherboard manual for that. You need to short pins generally using provided jumper. You could always remove cmos battery wait a few minutes to clear cmos.
Ohh..your board might have a CMOS reset button, read the manual else...

1. Remove the PSU power cord from the PSU.

2. Press the cabinet on/off switch for few seconds. (To remove any residual charge)

3. Remove the button cell from the motherboard for 20-30 seconds.

4. Push it back in.

5. Start.
^ ohk thank you ! :)

i am at 1.165 all cores stable ! max temp ~ 55 in speed fan !

which compared to core temp gave 8-10C higher at full load (2 cores enabled) !

so should i go further down ?
Just want you to operate on the fastest speed+lowest vCore+lowest temperature+stability. That is about it.
vcore down to 1.15v ! temps at 100% is 49C in speedfan ! i.e 45C actually ! and idles at 37C in speedfan ! :)

temps seem fine ! im afraid to go down now ! plus i dont see the need :)
:) ! also , some problem now !

with all 4 cores unlocked and vcore to 1.150v ! core 3 is always 40-80% used ! and whole cpu is 25-30% used even while im doing nothing !

so i thot ill go back to 1.165v but now i can only jump to 1.175v from 1.150v ! i am confused :-S !