CPU/Mobo Testing stability of Unlocked PII X2 555

buddingwhizkid said:
:) ! also , some problem now !

with all 4 cores unlocked and vcore to 1.150v ! core 3 is always 40-80% used ! and whole cpu is 25-30% used even while im doing nothing !

so i thot ill go back to 1.165v but now i can only jump to 1.175v from 1.150v ! i am confused :-S !
So even at idle you are getting CPU usage of 25-30%. That should not be there. Any background applications running (virus scanners, winrar or something). Check your task manager carefully.
well i switched the voltages back to 1.175 and now it seems fine !

i think ill run it at this volt only then ! what say ! 60C at 100% isnt that bad right ?