TF2 Steam Server.

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You should try some of the starhub servers, they are usually occupied by australians by night and malays by day so you will always fin dpeople on some of thei server . ideally you should be be able to connect under 180 from India which is decent , however if you are not getting good pings you can try some other ISP for a cheaper plan along with what you have and use it only for tf2.

I do the same :)
AFAIK V-street servers r not used for scrimming mostly, but as u told its empty for the past 2months, rarely me and Sharekhan play ther but many people join after that :D.

Starhub servers rarely have "teams". They all run out individually and forget the CPs :P

But those and gamearena are the only ones giving < 200 ping, sometimes even < 100 ping.

And I don't think v-street is interested in getting server back soon. huh
I liked the v-Street servers when they were running.

Last week it was full one night too.

I hope we can get pople on it more, I love to hear people abuse in the games indian way :-)

I hope it has a few players today or this weekend..
Shade said:
If you guys want some real action try the Q clan servers. Been playing there for about 6 months now :).

Yeap, I am playin on Qlan since month.. Also try Brothersofchaos.. That one is also good.. but I had some panga with admin yesterday so he banned be from that server :ohyeah: doesn't matter.. There are many good servers :bleh:

TF2 Rocks :clap:
Bought orangie box. Played TF2 on starhub and noob that i am being pwned by all.
I be engineer.
I make sentry.
I get killed by spy.. my usual routine for last 2 days.

Hope to catch u fellas sometime on the server .. i play with "gr8nub" nick.
Hey guys! moi has jumped on the legal TF2 thingy ;) setup the account and everything. Any recos for servers? have played on LAN only till now. my Steam ID is
AnkushT said:
Hey guys! moi has jumped on the legal TF2 thingy ;) setup the account and everything. Any recos for servers? have played on LAN only till now. my Steam ID is

Most Indians usually play on MY or SG servers namely E-Club and Starhub.
hey everyone..
can someone post IPs of these servers etc...
I bought TF2 and have been playing on the OCN server...would love to play with fellow TE junta :)
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