TF2 : The Unlockables Thread

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yep i'd be willing to buy stuff from the valve store for sure.

also, the achievement_idle thing is a brilliant idea :rofl:. i'm chilling out in one of the servers right now. thanks for the heads up.

edit : ok i'm curious... the unlocks that we already had before this patch i.e. the medic, heavy, pyro, scout weapons... were they removed from your loadout and you had to get them back again through drops? or were they always in your loadout even after the patch?
! 0 t A said:
LOOK wat the new Drop system has done.

VALVE made the system to prevent grinding so that everyone could just enjoy the game and randomly get weapons . . . BUT !!!


VALVE new SYSTEM = Fail [For the TIME being at least ]

Can someone enlighten me as to what exactly the screen shot implies? I really don't know anything about TF2 but to play it
^^ What do achievement_idle maps mean anyway? I really don't understand how the new system works :S Loved the old system too much.
acievement_idle servers are normal maps that have no aim whatsoever.


All you have to do is join, and wait indefinitely for VALVE to get generous enough and give you an unlockable. All talk is on so people are there talking all bullcrap .

Basically you join and leave it overnight and wish that the TF2 Fairy has presents for you when you wake up.
Sei said:
^ Damn you Iota, for a moment I thought that Valve really had released this :@


OT : Was surfing the net, went to google and wanted to see how pages looked in HINDI [ Yeah i have the TIME for that :S ]. . so i checked out the TF2 Blog first. HILARIOUS TO SAY THE LEAST.

Here is a snippet , you'll see what i mean :ohyeah: :ohyeah:


Jai Hind :)

And for all those curious on what exactly is achievement_idle :
lemme get this straight so there isnt gonna be any mre unlkocakbles based on achievements now on?? so if i want weapon upgrades all i have to do is go into the achivement idle maps and stay there for a while ?????? WTF??
^ Yes. Basically Valve can't do anything to improve our gameplay experience when we the players are being the idiots hell-bent on spoiling it for ourselves.
The system is severely screwed.

In about 16 hours of play so far, i've unlocked so many repeats of old weapons AND 4 Ambassadors. Been dying to try the Spy watches, the Huntsman, Jarate.. but NOOO, I keep getting the same stupid thing over and over.

Here's what my BAG looks like, hahaha:

Wanna know how to get weapons?

YouTube - Team Fortress 2 Techno - achievement_idle
so all the achievements have been removed so now you just go into a server and just play and random items pop up here and there and you fill your back pack with it ? seriously i dont get the point????
ubergeek said:
so all the achievements have been removed so now you just go into a server and just play and random items pop up here and there and you fill your back pack with it ? seriously i dont get the point????

that's about it... the new system is either not well thought out or it hasn't been implemented fully and properly. i still cannot see the reason why they have to artificially hold back the weapons from all the players in the first place. in any case, this achievement_idle thing seems to work... i was logged in to a map overnight and in the morning i saw that i had both new spy watches and a whole bunch of copies of stuff i already have. definitely better than people who are playing for the entire day but the RNG is not being kind on them and they get nothing.
You don't even have to play. Go sit in a server and spec all night, pray you get something besides crap.

I'm desperate for something new by now - so sick of the Ambassador and Razorback.
so the player doesnt EARN the items but it just pops up randomly depending upon your luck ??? that SUCKS eventhough it gives a chance to other players a sense of achivement is lost i guess :P what aobut people who already earned their achivement ?
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