How did you setup the redundancy between the two ? Also are they connected to the network on wifi ?
They're connected by ethernet, the redundacy/failover is handled by the router — Mikrotik routers have a tool called netwatch, which can trigger a script to run when a device becomes online or offline, I have it set to update DNS servers. This coupled with a DHCP lease time of 60 seconds keeps the devices on the network updated with whatever DNS servers are currently online.
Netwatch - RouterOS - MikroTik Documentation
Here are the scripts, with sensitive information redacted. They're pretty much human readable. The UP script:
:local activedns [:toarray ""]
:local notifydns
:if ([/ping count=1]=0) do={
:set notifydns "AdBlockerOne is offline"
} else={
:set activedns ($activedns, "")
:set notifydns "AdBlockerOne is online"
:if ([/ping count=1]=0) do={
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerTwo is offline")
} else={
:set activedns ($activedns, "")
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerTwo is online")
:if ([/ping count=1]=0) do={
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerBM3 is offline")
} else={
:set activedns ($activedns, "")
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerBM3 is online")
:if ([/ping count=1]=0) do={
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerBM4 is offline")
} else={
:set activedns ($activedns, "")
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0AAdBlockerBM4 is online")
[/ip dns set servers=$activedns]
[/tool fetch url="\?chat_id=X&disable_notification=true&text=$notifydns" keep-result=no]
The DOWN script is identical but with these additional commands:
:if ([:len $activedns]=0) do={
:set activedns ($activedns, "")
:set notifydns ($notifydns."%0APublic DNS activated")
[/tool fetch url="\?chat_id=Y&text=Network configuration invalid,%0Aautomatic reset in 60 seconds." keep-result=no]
Both scripts are active across all of the adblockers. They're hardcoded for now as I refine my networking setup, the proper way to do it is probably a loop with array/variables.
AdBlockerOne and AdBlockerTwo are proxmox VM's on a host that I've turned off because of the current heatwave. BM3 and BM4 are these two adblockers on 'bare metal'.
These scripts also send telegram notifications, I have two groups/channels set up for these kind notifications. The first one has more technical information and it's primarily for myself:

The other is for family, primarily to let them know if there are issues with the wifi/internet:

The 'automatic reset' is the DHCP refresh time that'll push out whichever DNS servers are active.
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