Aces170 Forerunner Oct 31, 2008 #1 Ok, Dunno if there is an existing thread for the same.. But the best game I have played so far this year is Mass effect, hands down.... What are your choices
Ok, Dunno if there is an existing thread for the same.. But the best game I have played so far this year is Mass effect, hands down.... What are your choices
A Ambar Contributor Oct 31, 2008 #4 Its either going to be Fallout 3 or LBP if consoles are allowed, haven't played any of them but will do so next month
Its either going to be Fallout 3 or LBP if consoles are allowed, haven't played any of them but will do so next month
D d@rK nEmEsIs Forerunner Oct 31, 2008 #5 It would be gta4 pc version just waiting for 18 november to grab it
T thebanik Galvanizer Oct 31, 2008 #12 TF2 ftw..... though Masseffect was pretty gud too....but TF2 means complete paisa vasool, more than a year now, and still playing.....
TF2 ftw..... though Masseffect was pretty gud too....but TF2 means complete paisa vasool, more than a year now, and still playing.....
K karanboochra Contributor Oct 31, 2008 #14 H@cKer said: It would be gta4 pc version just waiting for 18 november to grab it Click to expand... It's been frikin' delayed to 2th dec :S
H@cKer said: It would be gta4 pc version just waiting for 18 november to grab it Click to expand... It's been frikin' delayed to 2th dec :S
H hammerhead Discoverer Oct 31, 2008 #15 Metal Gear Solid 4. Its an amazing game apart from its half hour cutscenes
P PhOeNiX Forerunner Oct 31, 2008 #16 Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare for me. Have to try Mass Effect
ronnie_gogs Morphing from a Geek to a Nerd Innovator Oct 31, 2008 #17 Tf2 ....ftw.... single player its Devil May Cry 4